Thursday, March 31, 2005

Previous belligerent post has been removed on account of the fact that I have regained my least, partially, of course. :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

What a crummy day.

The morning started off just fine, but then I got to playing the "let's see if the surgeon is on the insurance plan" game, and I mostly lost. I ended up getting really frustrated and walking all the way to Hwy. 20 and back (which is quite the distance, I guess...) while it was raining. I felt better afterwards though. :)

I called Sr. Mary Emily today and she seems excited to come here. I can't wait either!!! Only four days!! I am really excited about it. I guarantee you will hear every last detail. ;)

I guess I don't have much more to say than this.
And it should be enough.

Pax et veritas!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Well we finally have a verdict on the hand/arm situation.
It's cubital tunnel syndrome, better known as "entrapment of the ulnar nerve in the elbow" syndrome. The solution: surgery which will move my nerve over. How excited am I?
The experience at the neurologist was a grand one. It was great fun being hooked up to electrodes and needles. Huzzah for that. Something which I will forever treasure.

Yet, I had a crazy time with my friends tonight. My friend Lisa mentioned that she once knew someone who put root beer and Mentos in his mouth and it foamed so much he had foam coming out of his nose. So, we (me, her and Jon) decided to try it. We went to Big Lots and got the root beer that in a longneck bottle...then we went over to the gas station and got some Mentos. We sat in the parking lot of the gas station and tried the experiment. Mine didn't really foam that much - it was really kind of a disappointment. BUT, it WAS hilarious watching Lisa spew her root beer all over the ground because she was laughing so hard. I thought we were going to get in trouble and the police would come and we'd have to explain to them that it was merely root beer and Mentos and they would think we were nuts. (not that they would be wrong...) heh. Good times.

Oh, and by the way - less than a week until Sr. Mary Emily comes!! YAY!!!! :)

Something which I forgot to mention in previous post:
My brother left a CD in my mom's car, which I was driving - so I started skipping through the songs to see what songs were on the CD. Yeah...track #3: "Can't Touch This" by M.C. Hammer. I almost died laughing. We also had "Whoomp! There It Is!" going on too.
What is going on? My nirvana-loving brother and old school rap? HAHAHA!! Now THAT is quality.

Alas, I depart.

Pax et veritas....allelu!
(in the spirit of the yay-hoos on CTN)

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Summary of the weekend: YAY FOR MY DIOCESE AND ORTHODOXY.

Good Friday, at the Passion, I just sat in awe as I observed like 7 priests, 20 seminarians, and 1 bishop all being very orthodox. Every priest and seminarian was wearing cassock and surplice, and the bishop was very decked out in a humble yet awesome Good Friday chasuble. Ah, I love my diocese. And although I tried to keep very sorrowful and contemplative throughout the day, I couldn't contain my excitement in seeing all my friends who are seminarians who are back for break. They will be the holiest priests - I cannot wait!! :)

Easter - today - was pretty great. I woke up with "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" in my head. Heck yes! It was also the processional song today at Mass, which was exciting. Then the cantor decided it would be a good idea to sing the Easter Sequence, starting in Latin, then switching to English, then going back to the chorus in Latin. Ok, fine. Except for the people behind me who were very loudly inquiring,
"Is this English?!" ::grumble::
"I sure hope not." ::sneer::
"I can't understand anything she is saying!" ::huffy tone in voice::
"What? Ah..." ::exasperation::
They hemmed and hawed the entire time. There is only one solution for this problem: more Latin. Become familiar with it, my friends. Learn to love it. Latin=good. Remember that.
Oh, and better cantors wouldn't hurt either.
Oh, and once again, hurrah for seeing people I graduated high school with who don't acknowledge my existence. Yessss...I love to feel remembered. Oy vey.
Overall - this year was a bajillion times better than last year's rendition of "Let's Go Down To The River To Pray" (you know...the one in 'O Brother Where Art Thou?'). Last year I couldn't help but laugh out loud during that song (my dad got quite mad...hehe...lighten up, pops). Thanks be to God for the absence of Baptist songs at Easter Mass this year. Alleluia! :)

Then later, I decided I MUST play basketball. I could not wait any longer. It was not an option.
So I climbed into the attic, found my favorite Michael Jordan basketball (the 1997 edition) and asked my dad for the air pump. He just happened to use the same air pump they use on the car tires. So, I suppose it goes without saying that the ball was quite full. As I'm out in the driveway shooting hoops I hear a strange noise inside of the ball. I stop, hold it in both of my hands, shake it, and it EXPLODED. The noise made me think that I might have gotten shot. The pop was incredibly loud. It was actually quite hilarious. Saddest part - my vintage Michael Jordan basketball finally bit the dust.
Requiescat in pace, #23. :)

Well, I must get to bed soon - another week of school awaits.

But not without breakfast with my favorite seminarian, Bernie. :)

Pax et veritas........ALLELUIA!!
(just because I can!)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Happy Holy Thursday.

I guess it is one of those holy days that I should come out of with great insights and a deepened faith - but instead I am considering what the coming days will be like for me.

The Holy Thursday Mass tonight was pretty amazing - which is really saying something for my parish, as it tends to be less-than-best liturgically. Although I did laugh at the way the responsorial psalm was arranged and stood in disbelief as they sang some cockamamie version of the Holy, Holy, Holy and the other Mass parts...I was really impressed with the reverence which was shown by the priests when the Blessed Sacrament was transferred from the church to the place where it will be for the "Keeping Watch" part of the evening. I thought it was absolutely beautiful, what with the incense and "Pange, Lingua, Gloriosi" going on - I felt like I was transcended to a new place - which is really what I should be feeling! Then the choir sang a "Keep Watch" song to the tune of not falling asleep and resisting temptation and whatnot - it was really quite impressive. I guess my biggest insights were gained right then and there. It was beautiful. Way to go, big HF, with the incense, Latin and solemnity. Now we're talking.

Tomorrow is Good Friday, and although the family is not so sure about what our pilgrimage will be, it is sure to be better than last year's experience what with sleeping in and chicken soup. Boy was I ever madder than hell. And I would really rather not spend my Good Friday like that. It helped me to focus on the idea that people don't always act the way that we would like them to (which pales in comparison to the betrayal of Christ...but hey...little things are my style). On account of the weather situation going on here (is this some sort of El Nino thing that we are completely oblivious to?) - we've decided to stay around here and go to the Cathedral for the Passion. Should be tremendous. Although I identify with the idea that we are called to be an "Easter people", I do love to meditate on the sufferings of Christ - it reminds me of the boundless love of Christ. Ah, love. It reminds me of the Jennifer Knapp song with the lyric "Isn't love amazing? I forgot how to speak." I find no words to express what I feel when I consider the Passion. Love alone suffices.

An update on the hand situation: turns out it is compression of the ulnar nerve. I kind of figured that. The doctor wants me to go to a neurologist to have a nerve conduction test done. I go to a neurologist in Dubuque on Tuesday. Then we will see what will be done to fix this problem. Looks like it might be surgery. That's ok. I fear not. :) As Sr. Catherine Marie very readily reminded me, "Fear is useless. What is needed is trust." In the flavor of a great Polish saint, I exclaim, "Jezu Ufam Tobie!" (or...Jesus, I trust in Thee).

Alas, bed time draws ever nearer.

Pax et veritas in cor Jesu.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Clearly, I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. Primary reason for that would be the fact that I spent a good three hours in the Emergency Room. It turns out that hand I've been complaining about is something I shouldn't ignore. Who knew? It keeps getting weaker. This was manifested when I dropped my tray in the cafeteria yesterday because my hand gave out. And when I couldn't shift the car into drive. And when I couldn't open the cap on the aspirin bottle. Yeah, then I realized there was a problem. Anyway, the ER didn't have any answers for me - I am now wearing a splint, and they ran blood tests to check for what could be causing all of this. I get the results back on Wednesday.
Pray, my friends.

Happy Palm Sunday.

Pax et veritas, yo.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Hectic city today. Holy moly.

I registered for classes for the new semester this morning. I am in Curriculum & Instruction in Art (yay?), El Mundo Hispano (last Spanish minor requirement!!), Christian Sexual Morality (which sucked last semester b/c of the prof, but I've heard that the new prof. is a rock star...we'll see), Ethics & the New Genetics (ay!!) and Human Genetics ( I have yet to pick another class - I just don't know what yet. Should be an interesting semester.

Then I went to my Human Identity in Community class, which Fr. Kurt Pritzl taught today. It was pretty amazing. We discussed Plato's idea about the three drives of a person: Truth, Power/Fame, and Money/Things. It was really intriguing. I love philosophy, by the way. :) After class, my prof. asked me if I was going to the brown bag lunch with Fr. Pritzl, and I said no, and he asked why, and eventually I came to the conclusion that I should skip class and go to the brown bag. No, it was not my prof's idea. I did it. Here's my rationale:
I took Language Acquisition for my Reading Endorsement.
I took Human Identity for no reason in particular.
I dropped my Reading Endorsement.
I picked up a Catholic Studies minor, and Human Identity is important to this minor. only makes sense that I pay more attention to my Human Identity class than my Language Acquisition class, because now Language Acquisition means nothing.
Regardless, I wrote my prof of my Lang class a note that said "Something came up" and went to the brown bag. Yay. It really was an amazing time. :) Probably not worth skipping class for...but amazing anyway!!!

Later we went to the Gaelic Storm concert, where I got into a minor skirmish with a rather psychotic chick. The exchange involved her elbows in my back, her kicking my ankles, and her yelling profanity. I tried to keep my wits about me, but there comes a point at which a girl's gotta stick up for herself. And that point was my heel in her shin. :) Heh. I enjoyed that entirely too much.

The hand is still ailing - I shall post those notes from the lecture at a later date. Hopefully this arm thing gets to healing, and fast. I'm not very happy with learning to be ambidextrous under such conditions. Last time I tried, it was because I was bored in Church History class with the psycho-ex-Christian Brother (the same one who threw a chair at me and chased me down the hall...)...and believe you me - that was wayyy more fun.

Well, it's Palm Sunday decorating time tomorrow. Huzzah.

Pax et veritas.
Yo tengo un corazon rebelde. :)

Well, the Classical Philosophy Lecture tonight was AMAZING.

Fr. Pritzl is in fact, a rock star.

I took 7 pages of notes, which I would be more than happy to share with you, at a later date.

My hand isn't working so well right now. It's also late, and I have to work and go to class and teach tomorrow. At least it's Friday. And Gaelic Storm will be here. Boy are they awesome.

I'll definitely post more later.

Just thought I'd let you know.

Pax et veritas et bonum.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Well, clearly I survived the Death Center.
Actually, she was very nice. And rather hopeful. Seems that I'm not dying.

I still can be a martyr, however. :)

Anyway, I went and bought a glove deal that is supposed to be good for my hand. Well, as good as $5.99 buys you, I guess. Doctor appointment is on Thursday of next week. My mom made the appointment...

Me: Mom, did you call the doctor?
Mom: Yes.
Me: When is my appointment?
Mom: Thursday, at 10:30. Not too late, so hopefully he'll be there. He's Catholic, so he might not.
Me: Yeah. Did they ask what is wrong with me?
Mom: Yeah.
Me: What did you tell them?
Mom: I said that your little pinky fell asleep.
Me: WHAT?! You're not serious.
Mom: Yeah. I did. Isn't that right?

Oh Mom. Seriously. I do just fine embarrassing myself. No help is necessary. Oy vey.

On a more exciting note, I was interviewing my cooperating teacher today about the demographics of the school and whatnot (really, it was exciting, though not postworthy), and we got into a discussion which exhilarated me. I was telling her about how we're having Fr. Kurt J. Pritzl, OP come to give a Philosophy lecture on Thursday night, and that he was coming into my class on Friday, and I'm going to the lunch on Friday with him as well. She was like "I thought that philosophy didn't really go with Catholicism..." and I'm like "well...I guess it depends what kind of philosophy we're talking about"...and then we started talking about St. Thomas Aquinas and Dominicans and my heart smiled. A lot.

Later, after Solemn Vespers service, we went to the Heritage Committee dinner (yeah, I'm not technically part of it, but I think that falls into the "details, details" category). I was sitting at the table that Father was sitting at, and the president of the college came up and asked him where St. Dominic was born. Father was drawing a blank, and I sat there waiting for him to respond, nearly exploding. Finally, I exploded. I practically shouted the answer out of excitement. At first he didn't believe me, but Father assured him that I was correct. Then I received the biggest compliment I could EVER imagine.

Father said that I was practically related to St. Dominic. life is complete.

Then the president was like "You know those old picture books of saints? Has anyone ever seen those?" and I'm like "Yeah, I have them. One is sitting next to my bed right now..." and upon realizing how much of a dork I must sound like, he looked at Father and he's like "Is she serious?" and Father was like "Yeah. She's like a book of Catholic trivia." to which the president responds "We really should do lunch".

:) Once again, being a nerd pays.

Now it's time for our Lenten Communal Penance service. My favorite. Penance. Oy.

Pax et veritas, my friends.

Monday, March 14, 2005

So the numbness and tingling in my right pinky have yet to subside - everyone keeps telling me to go to the Death (Health) Center, but I have been refusing. The conversation I had earlier went something like this:

Me: My hand is still numb and tingly.
Kay: Maybe you should go to the Health Center.
Me: No. Everyone calls it the Death Center for a reason.
Kay: Well, just don't let them touch you. Just see what they SAY.
Me: I guess I could handle that.
Kay: Yeah, that would be good.
Me: But what if they tell me I'm dying?!
Kay: (stern look)
Me: Seriously, maybe it's a horrible neural disease and I'm going to die by the time I'm 22. And if that's the case, I want to be a martyr.
Kay: Hahaha! How will you arrange that?
Me: Padre always teases Rusty about being a martyr. He tells him to pick his feast day. I'm sure something could be arranged. (wink)
Kay: Whatever. Just go to the Health Center. Then email me when you're done to let me know you're alive.
Me: Ok. Fine.

Yeah, I have yet to go. I peeked in and it looked scary. Maybe tomorrow. ;)

On a happier note: I've nearly figured out the thing about whether or not I'm going to pick up Catholic Studies and drop the Reading Endorsement. Pending tomorrow's lunch with Monsignor, I might become a Catholic Studies minor, which would be tremendous. I would love that. We'll have to see, I guess.

Now I'm off to Mass with 78 Dubuque Franciscans.
Oh, Franciscans.

Fear not, we will have a little Dominican representation on Thursday. Heck yes for Philosophy lectures! :)

Pax et veritas todos.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Working on homework on a Saturday is really ridiculous! I finished my entire WebQuest, which I'm quite proud of (it's Dr. Seuss themed). Hurrah.

We watched a movie today. It's a foreign film entitled "Mostly Martha". I would recommend it. It's very interesting - with a very cute ending. I wish I knew someone like Mario. :)

The Classical Philosophy Lecture Series is bringing in Kurt J. Pritzl, OP from the Dominican House of Studies this Thursday night. I'm pretty stoked. I love Dominicans and philosophy, so it should be a stupendous night. I'll be sure to tell you all about it. He's also coming into my Philosophy class this Friday. Woot.

The homework awaits. I guess that's what I get for a weekend filled with charades and Balderdash. :)

Pax et veritas.

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