Wednesday, June 29, 2005

So yesterday we made it through Chicago alive.
And not only alive, but remarkably well! We were like, pros!
However, if not for the grace of God, who knows where I'd be now. :)
We started off the morning with a little Krispy Kreme at the Belvidere Oasis. Yesssss. I love to support Krispy Kreme since they are so good to Loras.
And then we drove until we got in toward Chicago. I called Sister Mary Emily to find out where her sister's store is located, and Elizabeth took on the traffic. She's a whiz at that stuff. When we got into Cumberland St. we took the L into Chicago. It was my first real L experience, and I think I did great. We got the all-day pass, and it was quite fun. We didn't encounter any weirdos (Erin has plenty of stories!), but it was fun, regardless. When we got on the bus I put my card in backwards and looked like a fool. But Elizabeth outdid my foolishness by leaning against the door. The bus driver stopped and said over the intercom (the bus was completely packed) "Will the person leaning against the door please move? Excuse me. The person leaning against the door..." and meanwhile the nice folks behind us were like "Um...move..." and Elizabeth was like "I moved! I moved!" Oh man, I laughed so hard. Then we were like "Dude, this stuff is so much easier to deal with when you don't speak their language. Why can't we be in Europe?!" Haha. Then we got to the Museum of Science and Industry and we saw the Body Worlds exhibit. Boy was it ever neat. It was done very well - very informative and interesting. I liked it a lot. There was a section that had embryos and fetuses that was really very good for the pro-life cause. I don't know how anyone could have walked away from that section denying that the child within the womb is truly a child...I mean, it was plain as day. It was a really neat exhibit, altogether. Then we stopped for some refreshments (no Choco-tacos, though), and went to the Omnimax presentation of "The Human Body". It was really great. There was a really tacky part which I laughed at (Elizabeth didn't find it nearly as amusing as I did) where the video was talking about the moment of conception, and just as they start explaining it the song "Let's Get It On" started playing in the background. I thought it was quite did most people. :) And come on, the people they were talking about were married! Hehe. Anyway, after that we got back on the bus and we were trying to find the Taste of Chicago. All we knew was it was in the Grant Park area. Yeah, that helped us Rockfordians. So, I (or, rather, the grace of God) decided to get off at State and Madison, which took us right to Millennium Park. If you haven't been there and ever have the opportunity, GO. It was beautiful! And we got to splash in water with kids. Hoorah. We took pictures with my Disney Princesses camera (yes, I am that cool). After we were done watching kids play, we walked through the gardens, and just beyond the gardens was the Taste of Chicago! We had no idea!! Hoorah! So, we went in there and ate delicious food. We started with Celtic corn on the cob, and then had some pierogies (I had spinach, Elizabeth had potato), then we got some refreshing Bailey's ice cream (YUM! BAILEY'S!). Then we walked around a bit, looked at people...and stopped for the mother of all kielbasas. Oh my gosh, it was huge and delicious...I couldn't even TRY to finish it. I love kielbasa. It was sooo good. We sat by the Buckingham fountain and watched kids play with the pigeons and ate the kielbasa. When we were finished we took a picture by the Buckingham fountain (this guy took the picture for us, using the Disney Princesses camera...boy did he look cute with that camera...har har...if he only knew...). Then we headed back to the L, and to Rockford. It was a GREAT day. I LOVED it. Bring on round 2 - IKEA! (as in...I had no IKEA that my room could look this great!)

Vocation camp - NEXT WEEK!

Pax et veritas!

I heart the Polish.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Who eats soup when it's like, 90 degrees outside? Sheesh. Hey lady at the booth next to me - go get a popsicle! Not soup!

Anyway, tomorrow Elizabeth and I are headed off to the big city. Yep, Chitown bay-bee! Chicago, Chicago, that toddlin' town. I love Chicago. It's a great city. Lots of people who don't smile, lots of funky smells coming from underneath the El, lots of overpriced stores...I mean, what's not to love? :)
We're actually going in for the Body Worlds exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry. It looks like it's going to be pretty awesome. We're both science-minded (we dissected a cat together in Anatomy/Physiology class in high school), so we're pumped. Turns out Taste of Chicago is also going down now. Woo hoo! It also turns out someone got shot at Taste of Chicago yesterday. Like that's any different than in Rockford. We're up to 11 homicides this year. Oy. Anyway, on a different note...I am excited for the exhibit. If you want to see pictures, look here:
We might stop by Sister Mary Emily's sister's candle joint while in there...she said it's near the El. Woot.

And now for the random thing of the day...straight from the "Moron" column in the Rockford, Illinois newspaper, I bring you this news article. (Ok, I can't find it on the internet, but I assure you, it's real...I read it this morning).
Woman arrested after dropping crack pipe
Rockford--A woman standing next to a police officer reportedly dropped her crack pipe, then declared "Oh my, I seem to have dropped my crack pipe". At this, the policeman investigated and discovered that not only did the woman have a crack pipe but other drug paraphernalia on her person. When taken into custody, the woman was found to have a crack rock stowed away in her mouth.
This news story brought to you by the Institute for Hopelessly Moronic.

WHAT?! Who seriously DROPS their crack pipe in front of a cop and THEN says OUT LOUD that they have dropped their crack pipe? Like, seriously...what? Only in Rockford. What a moron. It reminds me of the line in Billy Joel's song "Only the Good Die Young" about "laugh with the sinners...the sinners are much more fun"...because seriously...this sort of thing doesn't happen to normal people.

So on a funny note...I was watching Jeff Foxworthy's stand up on Comedy Central the other night, and he made a joke about how any time anything is missing it's because it was stolen. And he related a story about how the remote control was missing at his house, so he automatically assumed it was stolen. And his wife mocked him saying, "Yes, honey. Someone broke into the house, bypassed the jewelry and valuables, and stole your remote", to which he was like "See? I told you!"...yeah, that reminds me of my dad. His gas cap from his gas tank on his truck was missing, and he swore that some moron stole it from him. He went out to by a gas cap with a lock on it. My mom just sat and laughed about how ridiculous that is. Who the hell would steal a gas cap off of a little Nissan truck? Seriously. He didn't end up getting the lock one, though...I think he was afraid of the key being stolen. Boy would he be in deep then. ;) P.S. I guarantee you he took the gas cap off at the gas station and LEFT IT THERE. What a dorkie.

And with that, I close. Have a great day, everyone. And remember to laugh at the silliness of life!

Pax et veritas!

I heart Jeff Foxworthy jokes that remind me of my dad.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Rockford: Actual temp-94, heat index-95
Dubuque: Actual temp-95, heat index-100
Nashville: Actual temp-93, heat index-94

WOW. That's all I have to say. WOW.

I saw Batman Begins last night. In my opinion, it was a great movie. Beyond great. It was tremendous. I loved it. That is how Hollywood should be done.

And I finished "Pierced by a Sword" tonight. Now that was a great book. I think everyone should read it, since it was so thought-provoking, gripping, and life-changing. Really truly, I learned so much about the world, others, myself and the Catholic Church on the whole from this book. It was one of the best books I've read in some time. And it really has to be, at somewhere around 500 pages!

And on a random tangent, do I have the word "Idiot" stamped on my forehead? My boss even made a good-natured joke about it today after I told her about this customer I was helping (don't worry, my boss wasn't offensive...she's on my side!). So this woman came in a few weeks ago asking for a book that the priest at her parish had sent her over to buy. So I was like "What is the title?" and she's like "It's the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults book that Father uses. He's bought it here before" and I'm like "Ok, do you know which book? There are a few different books. Is it the actual book of the Rites?" And she looks at me and says, "It's the RITE of Christian Initiation of Adults book. You know, RCIA. Do you know what that is?" And I very nicely said "Yes. However, there is not just one book for RCIA. Do you know the title?" And she's like "No. But Father buys it here." So as the blood vessel in my forehead starts pulsing I'm like "Let me go get a catalog and we can see if we can find it", after searching, we find the book...but we are currently out of stock at my store. So I tell her we can order it, and she gets all huffy about that, because FATHER sent her and clearly, FATHER knows our entire inventory. Argh. Anyway, I take the order, she leaves, and that's that. Today she comes to pick up the book, and I go to find it on the hold shelf for her. But it's not there. Oh no, that would be easy. So I find her order card and fined the exact title and pull it from the shelf. Easy enough, right? Well, I bring it to her and ask kindly, "Is this the book?" and she says "Yes" in this very short, mean tone. So then I ring it up, she pays for the book, and I smile at her, look her straight in the eyes and say very nicely (with all the civility I can muster) "Have a nice weekend"...and then she...ARGH...she looks at me and says with an even more not-nice tone "bye". I just looked at her like "What did I do to you?!". So then after she leaves I look at my co-worker and I say "Ok, that woman hates me." and she says "Yeah, she seemed kind of ornery." and after I started explaining to her why the woman hates me, she says "You know, while you were gone getting her book I asked her if she had been helped and she said 'Well, I think I'm being helped...". WHAT?! I was gone for like, 2 minutes MAX. Overall moral of this story: If you work for the Church in any way, shape, or form...please make smiling habitual and be nice to the girl at the bookstore who is doing her best to deal with your pissiness. Thanks.
And then at the same time, I am reorganizing the pastoral shelf when this lady just randomly starts asking me questions from across the store. So I walk (briskly) over to her, and she says, whilst pointing to a silver cross on the wall "Do you have this in wood?" and I say to her "No, sorry, everything we have is out". After a 10 second pause she says "How about gold?" I reciprocate with a 10 second pause (for a different reason altogether) and say, "". She seems confused, and follows up with "It sure would be nice in bronze..." At this point, I turned and walked away. What a clown.
And this was all within the first two hours of work. And this happens every day. What the heck. It was a crazy day, though.

So I'm off to bed.

Keith Urban is in town tomorrow night. I can't decide if I'll go or not. No tengo amigos en Rockford. :(

Paz y verdad.

I heart people who smile.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

A few years back I used to paint random quotes on my wall a lot. And as an amateur artistic recluse, I found some really interesting quotes. One which always stuck with me was by Comtesse Diane. She said, "Boredom is the fear of self". In my days, I have always remembered that saying every time I catch myself thinking "Gosh, I'm bored". It is one of those opportunities where I can look at myself and say "Why am I bored? There are a bajillion things in the world I have yet to try! To learn! To see! To experience!", and yet, right now, I must insist - I am bored. I can find nothing to stimulate my mind in the way that it is yearning to be resuscitated. I am actually quite unsure of my next step - where do I assert my energy, my time, my life, in order to feel content and pleased, yet again?

So, upon further evaluation, I have decided to do something about this dreadful boredom. I will search out something new and interesting each day. And post about it, if I get the chance.

Today's topic:
There is a website out there that has real names of people who have messed up names.
Some of my personal favorites:
Annie Normous Fanny
Barbara Seville
Barry D'Alive
Bjorn Free
Buck Caneer
Esther Egg Hunt
Felipe D. Bird
Harmon Ikka
Ima June Bug
Ima Lima Bean
Ima Looney
Jimmy Krackorn
Joy Trudy World
Marsha Mellow
Ursula Happytune
and the one with the best message:
Zeke N. Yeshallfind

That's all I've got for now -

Pax et veritas!

Digo si, Senor.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Today is the feast of St. Aloysius Gonzaga. In the words of my pastor, "He was a good Jesuit". How we really must clarify. ;)

And cute moment of the day was me with my 8 year old cousin at the religious goods store picking out a first communion present for her...
Me: Molly, do you want a saint book?
Molly: Sure.
Me: Do you know about the saints?
Molly: Yes.
Me: Who's your favorite saint?
Molly: You.

Awww!! She's so adorable. :) And for the record, she did read me the story about St. Angela. Merici, that is.

Not much to report. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. I'll keep thinking of interesting things to say.

Pax et veritas, y'all.

I heart SuperSoakers.

Monday, June 20, 2005

So things are still kind of boring around here...

However, for the record, Loras is better than your school.

Now, my summer reading list has been forming, and these are the books I've added/am currently working on:
1. Pierced by a Sword by Bud MacFarlane Jr. I think it's tremendously interesting and inspiring, and I am loving reading it. Order it now. It's free. :)
2. A Father Who Keeps His Promises by Scott Hahn. Yea, it's for my bible study, but so what? I love it. Hahn is incredible at explaining the "duh" things that haven't worked their way through my thicker-than-normal skull.
3. The new Harry Potter book!! HURRAH!!
4. Middle of Nowhere by Mary Pipher (my Spanish teacher highly recommends it - I really ought to at least have a gander at it)
5. Thomas Aquinas by G.K. Chesterton (because I just gotta!!)

I think that's all I've got for now - but I'm sure I'll come up with some others!

I'm out now - tomorrow I'm hanging out with my 8 year old cousin and then making a great dinner for the familia. One word: Prosciutto!

Pax et veritas.

I heart education.

Friday, June 17, 2005

So I'm in Dubuque and don't have a lot of time to write...but I had to add a few funny things.

So the other day at work, a woman asked for a rosary with the holy grail on it. I instantly imagined Monty Python and tried to keep a straight face whilst saying, "Umm...I don't think we have any of those." HOLY GRAIL??

And then last night my mom was heading out for a walk with my aunt and she said "I'm leaving for a walk" to me...and the dog jumped up and got excited. So she's like "Uh, no, I said WORK, not WALK..." but the dog didn't believe her. Then she went to get her socks and Ginger started jumping around like crazy, and she's like "What is her problem?" and I said "She sees the socks. She knows you're going for a walk." So the only solution to this problem was what instantly came to mind. We put the socks on our hands and started talking to the dog using our new "sock puppets". I think Ginger thought the sock puppets were scary because she started running toward me and getting kind of ferocious, and I didn't know what to do, so my mom created a diversion on the other side of the kitchen. Then we both started talking to Ginger with the sock puppets again; and I realized how hilarious it would be if my dad walked in while we were talking to the dog with sock puppets. So, as soon as I share that hilarious thought with my mom, in walks my dad...and we ripped the socks off of our hands and laughed ourselves silly. Oh dear.

Off to hang out with the old time gang!! :) Hurrah!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Wow, it's been like, forever, since I last posted. Not much happened this past week, though.

I've been working like it's my job - oh wait, it is. :)
I love my job - the people are GREAT, but as it is summer and the sacraments are basically over for the time being, things are kind of slow. I am enjoying the usual customers who come in often, because I find them very fun.

I haven't been a part of any crazy fiasco recently (which is relatively surprising for me) - so there's not a lot to report. I feel like I've been busier this summer than I was this school year. How does that work?!

The time for St. Therese Vocation Camp is drawing ever nearer - and I am elated. This year the sisters are phenomenal, and it will be quite a time! I cannot wait.

I will try to update if anything funny happens...

Friday, June 03, 2005

What a night!

I came home from the longest day at work EVER and made an M&M pizza. I brought it over to Marianne's, since she was having a girls night, and we girls love chocolate! Well, we were all hanging out for a little while, just talking and stuff...and all of a sudden we heard what sounded like elephants stampeding through the house and down the stairs...and we looked up and the boys had invaded! They were all dressed in dress-up shirts and ties, looking quite dapper. They call themselves the "Mother Mary Mafia", and started tying some of the girls' hands together to take them hostage, and Dominick started pulling on my arm. My right arm. I started yelling, "Dominick! I had surgery!!" - so, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and carried me up the stairs and out of the house. We all filed into Gabe's 14-passenger van, whilst wondering aloud "Where in the heck are we going!?" We had no idea and not a one of us was wearing shoes. Then I realized I had a ping pong paddle in my hand. I don't know why. Oy. Then Dominick got in the front seat and yelled back, "Ok! Sing-along!", and we started singing "The Wheels on the Bus" as we drove away. Then we sang "Boom-chicka-boom" (astronaut and janitor style). It was a riot. We didn't know where we were going AT ALL. We counted a total of 17 people in our van alone (there were three cars behind us). As we approached Riverside Dominick turned around and said, "You know, we all decided to dress up and take you out for ice cream at Culver's. Just so you know you're appreciated." So we got all excited...and Gabe drove right past it. Dominick was like "Just kidding!!" Argh. And then we drove around a little more, and drove past Bobby's house and saw that his backyard was all decorated. We pulled in his driveway and all got out, and it was really pretty. The backyard had lights on it, the pool had balloons in it, and the boys were all waiting for us wearing their fancy outfits. They were playing some mushy song and announced, "We decided to have a night for all the women to show you that we appreciate you!". So we danced and ate pizza and sang songs and joked around for the rest of the night. Some people jumped in the pool, others were involuntarily submerged. Nevertheless, it was a great time. We did a lot of random dancing and mingling and just had really good fellowship. The boys even played "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", which they actually sang along to, since they knew all the words (odd). It was just a really good time. The first time I'd ever been kidnapped...and I loved it. :)

A wonderful way to end this stressful, crazy, tiring week. Thanks guys!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

String of tragic events this past week.

A friend at work's family was involved in a horrific accident. The funeral is tomorrow. The story can be seen here:
The worst part is that the person (boy do I want to use a more colorful term here...) who fled the scene is still at large. How do you live with yourself?
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

And then a woman came in today at work looking for a baby rosary for her stillborn baby's casket, and I watched her cry as she held the rosary in her shaking hands.

And, since being back in Rockford, we've had 2 more homicides with no real motive - "just because" seems to be good enough at this point.

And today an elderly lady was attacked by a man who came from Indianapolis to commit the crime, for no apparent reason.

What next?

I was talking with a friend and we were discussing how it would be easy to be really confused about God if we had not been blessed with faith, good catechesis and sound reason. Such horrible events make me want to throw my hands in the air and say "What are you thinking?!" - however, I continue to trust, knowing God is infinite in goodness. It's just me trying to make sense of it in the here and now that is the problem.

I guess I'm just hanging onto my Easter resolution of hope at this point...

Pax et veritas.

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