Friday, June 30, 2006

******the basics******
1. Full name: Angela Leigh
2. Birthday: January 3, 1985
3. Location: Rockford, IL
4. Where else have u lived: Dubuque, Iowa
5. School/mascot/colors: Dewey the Duhawk, purple and gold (yellow)
6. Zodiac sign: Capricorn
7. Shoe size: 10
8. Height: 5'7"
9. Weight: Like I would tell
10. Pets: 1 dog, some fish
11. Siblings: 1 brother
12. Eye color: Brown
13. Hair color: Brown
14. Hair length: Just a bit past shoulders
15. Ever dyed ur hair?: Yeah when I was in high school
16. What color?: Black, Black/red
17. Grade: Senior in college
18. Are u good in school?: Yeah
19. Hobbies: Wasting time, Reading, Watching TV
20. Nicknames: Punkin'
21. What languages do you speak? English minute bits of Spanish
22. Do you play sports? Not on a team or anything
23. Where were you born? Rockford, IL
24. Are you a night or a morning person? I love the morning, but I'm starting to be more night
25. Are you ticklish? don't even go there. you can PRETEND to tickle me & I'll run away
26. Do you believe in god? Yes
27. Do you have any other screen names?: Yeah but I don't remember them
28. What are they?: ohhh. see above.
29. Do you have braces?: No
30. Do you have glasses/ contacts?: Glasses

!!!!!!getting personal!!!!!!
31. What do you want to be when you grow up? Teacher
32. What was the worst day of your life? I don't think we need to go there.
33. What's your most embarrassing moment? Or there.
34. What has been the best day of your life? Not sure...
35. What comes first in your life? God
36. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? Not sure
37. What are you most scared of?: Life - being a grown-up with a real life is scary!
38. If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? In the back of my head. My students wouldn't know what to do with themselves.
39. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Early in the morning the next day
40. What do you regret the most?: I don't like to have regrets. I've learned from every stupid thing I've done.
41. If you could be anything without consequences, what would you be?: Professional world traveler

42. Movie: Bells of St. Mary's
43. Song: currently... Wash Away Those Years by Creed
44. Band/group: currently...Jack Johnson
45. Store: Target
46. Relative: um, my brother?
47. Sport: Football
48. Vacation spot: Rome
49. Ice cream flavor: Strawberry
50. Fruit: Apple
51. Candy: Skittles
52. Car: Anything fast.
53. Class: Philosophy
54. Holiday: Christmas
55. Day of the week: Sunday - I don't work
56. Color: Purple
57. Magazine: I don't read them
58. Name for a girl: Gianna
59. Name for a boy: John Paul (I'm not sure which language I like it best in though...Italian? Spanish?)
60.Sports team: Bears/Cubs
61: month: October
62. Man athlete: I don't know
63. Female athlete: I don't know
64.Actress: Keira Knightley
65. Actor: Jim Caviezel
66. Tv show: Life on the Rock
67. Web site: I'm all over the place when I surf
68. Animal: Manatee
69. E-mail buddy: I don't really have one
70. Joke: What do you call a dog with three legs? Skippy. I don't know why it's so hilarious to me.
71. Saying: "No me importa"
72. Word: In honor of Jack - spatula
73. Brand of shoes: Um, I don't do brands
74. Radio station: Q98.5 when I'm home, 101.1 The River when I'm at school, and Relevant Radio if it comes in
75. Room in your house: My room. My haven.
76. Concert you have been to: Brad Paisley? Audio Adrenaline? Styx? I'm not sure.
77. Cd: Jack Johnson
78. President: Ulysses S. Grant. Don't ask why. I have no answer other than he drank a lot, screwed up a lot, fought one hell of a battle, and was completely oblivious to all the corruption that happened in his presidency. I respect that sort of cluelessness.
79. Salad: Chicken
80. Meat: Beef. Gimme a big steak. :)
81. Pizza topping: Ham and Pineapple
82.State: Um, I like Southern states. I'd like to visit the Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana region some time.
83. City: Chicago
84.Lake: Michigan
85. Ocean: I've only seen the Pacific
86. Place to be: Loras College
87. Smell: Lavender
88. Sound: Kids playing/laughing
89. Taste: Coffee products of any sort
90. Feeling: Joy
91. College: Loras
92. Number: 3
93. Book: Story of a Soul
94. Vacation spot: Still Rome
95. Grandma: The one I'm not really related to
96. Grandpa: same as above
97. Cereal: Ice Age 2 cereal

*~*~not so favorite~*~*
98. Car: Slow ones
99. Color: Orange
100. Teacher: Quakerface
101. Class: Portfolio
102. Day of the week and why: Friday, because it's not the weekend for me since I work on Saturday
103. Holiday: Christmas (the commercialism part)
104. Season: Winter when it's too cold to think, or summer when it's too hot to think
105. Month: The dog days of August
106. Sport: Golf
107. Sports team: White Sox
108. Male athlete: Um, Barry Bonds
109. Female athlete: No idea
110. Movie: Hmmm
111. Actress: Susan Sarandon
112. Actor: George Clooney
113. T.V. Show: reality shows
114. Web site: ?
115. Food: Lima beans
116. Drink: Unsweetened coffee. toooo bitter
117. Band: Evanescence. They whine too much.
118. Male singer: Justin Timberlake (hahaha Megan)
119. Female singer: Mariah Carey
120. Animal: Mosquitoes
121. Store: Wal-Mart
122. Video rental store: The expensive ones
123. E-mail buddy: ?
124. Joke: the orange/banana one
125. Saying: Anything Nietzsche said. Idiota.
126. Word: No
127. Brand of shoes: ?
128. Radio station: The ones where they play more commercials than music
129. Room in your house: ?
130. Concert you have been to: ?
131. Cd: Weird Al Yankovic
132. President: Clinton
133. Salad: Egg
134. Meat: Bologna
135. Pizza topping: Olives
136. State: Don't have one
137. City: Don't have one
138. Lake: The one in Rockford with e.Coli in it
139. Ocean: ?
140. Place to be: between rock and hard place
141. Smell: Hot garbage (like the dumpster on a scorching hot day)
142. Sound: Irregular noises that don't stop (like the fan creaking off and on when you're trying to sleep)
143. Taste: Bitter
144. Feeling: Loneliness
145. Letter: F
146. Date: ?
147. Book: ?
148. Vacation spot: ?
149. Grandma: The one who calls me Angie, since she doesn't know me
150. Grandpa: The one who calls me Angie, since he doesn't know me
151. Cereal: the kind that get soggy easily

^^^^^^in the past 24 hours have you^^^^^^
152. Had a serious talk? yes
153. Hugged someone? no
154. Fought with a friend? no
155. Cried? no
156. Laughed? yes
157. Made someone laugh? yes. at work.
158. Bought something? yep
159. Cut your hair? no
160. Felt stupid? yes
161 talked to someone you love? yes
162. Missed someone? yes

??????have you ever??????
163. Done drugs? no
164. Eaten an entire box of oreos? no
165. Been dumped? no
166. Had someone be unfaithful to you? no
167. Watched punky brewster? yes
168. Hiked a mountain? yes
169. Stayed home on saturday night, just because? because I have no life, yes
170. Been in love? I don't know
171. Seen the white house? yes
172. Seen the eiffel tower? no
173. Tried smoking? yes
174. Drank alcohol? yes
175. Smoked marijuana? no
176. Played monopoly? yes
178. Seen titanic? yes
179. Kissed someone? no
180. French kissed someone? no
181. Lost your virginity? no
182. Tried a weight loss program? yes
183. Jumped on a trampoline? yes
184. Visited another country? yes
185. Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)? yes
186. Had a bubble bath? yes
187. Been on a plane? yes
188. Been on a boat? yes
189. Been on a train? yes
190. Been in a car accident? yes
191. Ridden an elephant? no
192. Made a web page? yes
193. Played with barbies? yes
194. Stayed up all night? yes
195. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? yes
196. Broken a bone? no
197. Called a physchic or sex hotline? no
198. Watched jerry springer? yes
199. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? yes
200. Been afraid of the dark? yes
201. Been in the hospital(not visiting)? yes
202. Had stitches? yes
203. Dumped someone and regretted it? yes
204. Went out with more than one person at a time? no
205. Lied? yes
206. Been arrested? no
207. Fallen asleep in class? yes
208. Used food for something other than to eat? yes
209. Met a celebrity? yes
210. Broken the law? yes
211. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? yes
212. Hated yourself? yes
213. Been brokenhearted? yes
214. Broken someone’s heart? yes
215. Wanted to kill someone? yes
216. Fell off a chair?: yes
217. Lap danced? no
218. Been in a fist fight? no
219. Been in a cat fight? yes

~~~~~~do you~~~~~~
220. Like to give hugs? yes
221. Like to walk in the rain? yes
222. Sleep with or without clothes on? with
223. Prefer black or blue pens? blue
224. Dress up on halloween? sometimes
225. Have a job? yes
226. Like to travel? yes
227. Like someone? do they know? yes, ?
228. Sleep on your side, tummy or back? all of the above
229. Think your attractive? somewhat
230. Want to marry? who? yes, not sure
231. Have a goldfish? no
232. Ever have the falling dream? yep
233. Have stuffed animals? yep, I sleep with them
234. Go on vacation? not often

235. Do you belive in the horoscopes: no
236. Do you like your handwriting: sometimes - it changes often
237. If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: not sure
238. What superhero would you be: not sure
239.Do you have any piercings: yep
240. Any tattoos: yes
241. If so where: ankle
242. If not, where and what do you want: ...
243. Are you picky: no
244. What makes you cry: memories
245. What makes you mad: stupidity
246. What do you think of eminem: i like his stuff. he's so honest.
247. Who do you admire: saints
248. Do you like cartoons: yes
249. Do you believe in the devil: yes
250. What is the one place you have to visit before you die: Rome, again
251.What did you do today: worked 8 hours
252. Where do you work: Catholic bookstore
253. Do you even have a job you lazy bum: yes
254. Are your 'rents lame: depends
255. Do you own a miniskirt: no
256. Do you floss: yes, if i feel like it
257. What is the farthest your have traveled: to Italy
258. Who is a diva: ?
259. What kind of shampoo do you use: Herbal Essences
260. What about conditioner: same
261. Do you use big words to sound smart: not to sound smart. i am smart.
262. When you get mad, do you swear a lot: yeah...
263. Got milk: mmmm
264. Do you have a magic 8 ball: somewhere, i think
265. Name something that comes in threes: persons of the Trinity
266. Ever worn black nail polish: yes
267. Do you have hairy arms: eh
268. How many sheets are on your bed: fitted and flat
269. Whats under your bed: nothing
270. Do you have your own tv and vcr: yes
271. Do you believe in fate: no
272. Do you see dead people: no
273. Are you a good speller: yes
274. What is your lucky charm: Mingo
275. Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway: because you just do
276. Do you like little kids: very much
277. Are you talented: not really
278. If so, how: ...
279. Ever hugged a tree: i hope not
280. Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: yes
281. Do you ever steal anything from hotels: no
282. Ever seen a ghost: no
283. How about an alien: no
284. Do you beleive in either of them: yes, ghosts

%%%%what do you think about%%%%
285. Abortion: i'm 100% pro-life
286. Bill clinton: disgusting, vile, complete moron i'd like to kick in his...
287. Smoking: eh
288. Eating disorders: they suck
289. Rap: eh
290. Jerry springer: reeedic
291. Suicide: sucks
292. South park: eh
293. Summer: eh
294. Tattoos: go for it
295. Piercing: why not
296. Make-up: as long as it's not too much
297. Drinking: hell yes
298. Guys: um, i like guys?
299. Girls: um, i'm a girl.

what do you think when you hear this name:
300. Jennifer: Lopez
301. Leah: Rachel and Leah, from the Bible
302. Megan: My roommate :)
303. Brandon: Klintworth - he and I have the same birthday. I haven't seen him in years, though
304. Christina: Schmidt
305. Angela: ME!
306. Courtney: Love?
307. Jeff: nothing
308. Mike: Rudzinski
309. Nikki: my whacked-out cousin
310. Ryan: um...
311. Lauren: Cnytr
312. Derek: Jeter
313. Lisa: Coonfare...wait...Gesterling!
314. Kristi: baby-sitter's club
315. Matt: Schmidt
316. Holly: berry
317. Jackie: O
318. Cait: McIntosh?
319. Caroline: Sweet Caroline...
320. Joseph: and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
321. Sebb: Sebb? What the?
322. Patrick: Ireland
323. Erin: Here comes the sun - Erin Demmer!

*~*~your friends~*~*
333. Friends: you know who you are
334. Best friend: Elizabeth
335. Spend most time with: my roommates
336. Best house: Elizabeth's
337. Funniest: Elizabeth
338. Smartest: Elizabeth
339. Hottest: ?
340. Strongest: Rusty probably
341. Most athletic: Rusty
342. Knows you the best: Annie
343. Most outgoing: Rusty
344. Most shy: I don't have many shy friends
345. Always negative: No one
346. Which one let the dogs out: Um...
347. Most trustworthy: Elizabeth
348. Most fun to be with: Elizabeth
349. Biggest flirt: Mindy
350. Best dressed: Mindy
351. Best eyes: Mindy
352. Most depressed: ?
353. One to gossip with: Elizabeth
354. Sweetest: they all are
355. Who has the best room: I've only been in Elizabeth's room
356. Who follows you: ?
357. Who do you follow: ?
358. Who do you pretend to like but can't stand: umm
359. Do you make friends easily: yes
360. Are you intimidated by any of your friends: no
361. If u were stranded on a desert island then who, out of your friends, would you want to be there with you: the best ones :)
362.Who do you think would help you the most if you were in trouble: they all would
363. Who do you think would risk their life to save yours: probably all of them
364. Who is the most popular: Rusty
365. Who is the most unpopular: ?
366.Who do you want to go to college with: pretty much taken care of that one
367. Who do you wish could be part of your family: all of 'em
368. Who is the biggest junk food junkie: not sure
369. Who would do anything for 1 million bucks: Beth
370. Who do you think has the nicest siblings: Rusty?
371. Who do you think has the nicest mom: Elizabeth
372. Who do you think has the nicest dad: Elizabeth
373. Who do you have the most inside jokes with: the Loras people probably...oh, roommates

*~*~which way would you spell it~*~*
374. Megan or meghan: Megan is my roommate, Meghan is my bro's girlfriend
375. Lacey or lacy: Lacey
376. Steven or stephen: Stephen
377. Kurt or curt: Kurt
378. Caryn or karen: Karen
379. Mark or marc: Mark
380. Brandi or brandy: Brandy
381. Eric or erik: Eric
382. Corrine or carine: Corrine
383. Kari or carrie: Carrie
384. Jackie or jackqui: Jackie
385. Deseray or desirae: Desiree
386. Jayde or jade: Jade
387. Amy or aimee: Amy
388. Bradi or brady: Brady
389. Chelsea or chelsey: Chelsea
390. Katelyn or kaitlyn: Katelin
391. Ashley or ashleigh: Ashley
392. Geoffrey or jeffrey: Jeffrey
393. Their or there: depends on the sentence
394. Two, too, or to: see above
395. Here or hear: above

&&&&this or that&&&&
396. Pierced nose or tongue? Nose
397. Be serious or funny? funny
398. Single or taken? Eh
399. Simple or complicated? I'm pretty complicated
400. Law or anarchy? law
401. Mtv or vh1? eh, they're both weak
402. 7th haven or dawson’s creek? 7th Heaven
403. Sugar or salt? sugar
404. Silver or gold? silver
405. Tongue or belly button ring? Tattoo
406. Chocolate or flowers? both
407. Angels or miracles? both
408. Color or black-and-white photos? both
409. Sunrise or sunset? both
410. M&m’s or skittles? both
411. Rap or rock? rock
412. Stay up late or sleep in?both
413. Tv or radio? radio
414. Hot or cold? cold
415. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? tall
416. Sun or moon? sun
417. What time is it? 8:50pm
418. Diamond or ruby? diamond
419. Left or right? right
420. 10 acquaintances or 1 bestfriend? 1 best friend
421. Vanilla or chocolate? chocolate
422. Kids or not? yes
423. Cat or dog? dog
424. Half empty or half full? eh
425. Mustard or ketchup? both
426. Newspaper or magazine? newspaper
427. Spring or fall? spring
428. Give or receive? give
429. Rain or snow? rain
430. Lace or satin? neither
431. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? lifetime of friendship!
432. Happy or sad? happy
433. Corduroy or plaid? plaid
434. Wonder or amazement? wonder
435. Sneakers or sandals? sandals
436. Mcdonalds or burger king? not sure
437. Blondes or brunettes? brunettes
438. Mexican or italian food? both
439. Lights on or off? on
440. Duct tape or scotch tape? duct
441. Candy or soda? both...rot on, teeth!
442. A house in the woods or the city? woods but near the city
443. Pepsi or coke? coke... diet coke
444. Nike or adidas? neither

<333*~*~love life~*~* <333
445. Do you have a crush: maybe
446. Whats his or her name: eh
447. How old are they: same
448. How long have you liked him or her: eh
449. If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: no one
450. If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: not sure
451. What is the biggest turn off: conceitedness, fakeness, stupidity
452. What is the biggest turn on: genuineness
453. Do you prefer being the dumper or the dumpee: neither, really
454. Do you think there is a person for everyone: not sure
455. If yes, do you know who yours is: no
456. Where is the best place to be kissed: ?
457. Where is the most romantic place to take a date: some water - lake, river, ocean, whathaveyou
458. Do you believe in love at first sight: no
459. Have you ever been in love: not sure
460. What do you think love is: dunno
470. Do you have a b/f or g/f: no
471. Do you want one: not sure
472. How long have you been together: ...
473. What do you like about your crush or b/f, g/f: sense of humor
474. When was your first kiss: hasn't happened ;)

<3* 4 girls only!!*<3
475. What do you look for in a guy? honesty, faithfulness, and honestly, he has to be pretty conservative, too.
476. Tough or hardcore guys? what's the difference?
477. Sweet or innocent guy? what's the difference?
478. Smart or athletic guys? smart
488. Favorite cologne on a guy? don't care
489. Best gift a guy could give? something well thought-out
490. Flowers. . . Sweet or wasteful? beautiful!
491. Sweetest guy you know? not sure

****4 guys only ****
492. What do you look for in a girl?
493. Describe your dream girl:
494. Long hair or short hair on a girl?
495. Strait or curly hair on a girl?
496. Best gift a girl could give?
497. Favorite perfume on a girl?
498. Would you go out with an older girl?
499. Girls with long or short nails?
500. Sweetest girl you know?

501. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Cizerle
502. Last word you said: Okayyyy
503. Last song you sang: Something from Wicked
504. Last meal you ate: Pizza
505. Favorite childhood cartoon: Winnie the Pooh
506. What did you hate most about skool: Math
507. Last person you flipped off: not's been a while
508. Last song stuck in your head: Not sure
509. What line/verse: from the song?
510. Last time you were burned: yesterday
511. How: with a lighter...don't ask...
512. Last time you bled: last week
513. Favorite game show as a child: Price is Right


514. What's in your cd player: Jack Johnson
515. What color sox are you wearing: none
516. What's under your bed: still nothing
517. What's the weather like: gloomy
518. What is on your wall calender (i.E. Curious george, magnetic poetry): nuns
519. What time did you wake up today: 9am
520. Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: too early

521. Who do you want to marry: don't know
522. Are you going to college: yes
523. If so, how long do you want to go: just this next year
524. Where do you want to go: I go to Loras
525. What is your career going to be: it IS education
526. Where are you going to live: probably Illinois...who knows, though
257. How many kids do you want: as many as the good Lord gives me
528. Kids names girls: Gianna Cecilia, Therese Sophia, Chiara Monica
529. Kids names boys: John Paul Maximilian, Dominic Thomas
530. Where do you want your honeymoon: not sure
531. What kind of car will you have: fast one
532. What kind of house will you have: not sure

533. Do you like this survey? no
534. Is this one of the best surveys you’ve ever taken? definitely not
535. How about the most unique? no
536. Have you gotten most of these questions on another survey? yes
537. Do you like to answer questions? yes
538. Are you getting annoyed with this survey? yes
539. If you are, are you gonna delete questions off of the bottom cuz ur bored? I thought about it
540. Whats your favorite kind of tree? Lilac bush
541. When you look at a person with lime green tights on, whats the first thing that comes to your head? Peter Pan

whats the first thing that comes to your head when you hear/see:::

542. A laptop: Loras
543. A mismatched person: Ha!
544. A guy with long hair: Creepy
545. A guy with spiked hair: Poser
546. A girl with spiked hair : Um...
547. A tree with no leaves : fall
548. A couch with a sheet over it : Eww what are they hiding
549. Ronnie: Um?
550. Raphael : Patron saint of blindness and lovers
551. A guy wearing a necklace: Crucifix? Medals? Scapular??
552. A girl wearing a hat: okay...
553. A mall: barf
556. Abercrombie and fitch: ho-riffic!
557. Aeropostale: not sure
558. Hot topic: heh :)
559. Pacific sun: ?
560. Saved by the bell: i love it!
561. Boy meets world: haven't watched that in years
562. Beverly hills 90201: never watched it
563. A stereo system: loud
564. A gun: i wanna shoot it!
565. Someone shout out “i’m eating peanuts!!!”: baseball game
566. Someone shout out “i have to pee!!”: gross, thanks for sharing
567. Someone shout out “whats the answer?!”: figure it out
568. A desk: school
569. A teacher: me :)
570. A doctor: no comment
571. What do you think of the questions they make you answer at the doctors office?: i hate them
572. Do you like the number 10? not sure
573. What about 5? not sure
574. Are you getting really bored now? yes
575. Are you annoyed? yes
576. How many questions do you think this survey should have? less than this. these aren't even questions.
579. What are your last words? what?
580. Thats nice, the survey isn't finished: oh.
581. Do you have to pay bills? yes
582. Do you want to pay bills? who would?
583. How do you think your parents feel when they have to pay bills? i think they hate it too.
584. Do you do your own laundry? when i'm at school. my mom throws all of our laundry together at home (it's cheaper that way)
585. Do you clean all the bathrooms in your house? no
586. How many bathrooms are in your house? 2
587. How many tv’s are in your house? 7
588. How many phones are in your house? landline phones: 5, cell phones: 3
589. How many tables are in your cafeteria? i don't know
590. How many beds are in your house? 4
591. How many couches are in your house? 5
592. What are you thinking about right now? being tired
593 how many desks are in your math class? i don't take math
594. Do you get a lot of math homework? um, see above
595. Do you hang out with your friends a lot? at school, yes
596. Are you getting sick of this survey? yes these questions are weak
597. Have you seen clueless? i own it
598. What are your opinions of that movie? it's ridiculous, but i love it for that reason
599. Did you think when you first started watching it that cher and josh were gonna get hooked up? eeww
600. Did you think that christian was gay? i hadn't thought of it
601. I did. If you didn’t, do you think you’re a tard? what?
602. If you had to pick a religion to be, what would you be? Catholic!
603. What are you thinking about right now? sleeping
604. What is your favorite store in the mall nearest you? umm...JC Penney, i guess
605. How long does it take to get to the mall nearest you? 15 minutes
606. What is the mall called? CherryVale
607. Do they have a store called belk’s or filenes? no, but there's a filene's in chicago
608. How about a major sports store? depends on your definition of major
609. Is there a pet shop? no
610. Whats your all time favorite font? georgia
611. What do you like better, lap tops or computers? laptops
612. Spaghetti or ziti? spaghetti
613. Macaroni w/cheeze or w/sauce? cheese
614. Paintings or photos? paintings
615. Stripes or solids? stripes
616. Basements or attics? attics
617. Do you like crushes because of their looks or personality? both, but mostly personality
618. Life or no life? life
619. Individual or just like everyone else? individual
620. Loud or quiet? in between
621. Shy or rambunctious? in between
622. Refrigerator or freezer? depends
623. Carpet or tile? carpet
624. Marble or wood? marble
625. Plaid or stripes? stripes
626. Stripes or dots? stripes
627. Dots or lines? lines
628. Now what time is it? 11:10pm (i just finished watching a mid-survey movie)
629. Monopoly or life? life
630. Uno or skip-bo? skip-bo
631. Beauty and the beast or aladdin? beauty & the beast
632. Toy story 1 or toy story 2? toy story 1
633. Armageddon or deep impact? armageddon
634. You’ve got mail or ever after? you've got mail
635. Sound of music or my fair lady? sound of music
636. Bsb or n*sync? neither
637. Dawn or sunny? dawn
638. Light or dark? depends
639. Top or bottom? what?
640. Higher or lower? um?
641. Left or right? right
642. Big or small? in between
643. Dad or mom? both
644. Sitcoms or movies? movies
645. Tv movies or real movies? both
646. Scanner or xerox machines? scanner
647. Church or mass? Mass in a church?
648. Boat or canoe? Canoe
649. Ocean or lake? lake
650. Are you sick of this survey yet? yes, quit asking
651. A lot? yes
652. More than you were b4 or the same? yes
653. Do you want me to stop now? yes
654. Are you sure? yes
655. Okay, do you have any final thoughts? this was weak
656. Do you have more younger friends or older friends? older
657. Look!! its question 657!!!!! : not a question, moron
658. Is this one of the longest surveys you’ve taken? yes
659. Is it the longest? probably
660. Is it interesting? not really
661. Would you ever like someone 3 years younger than you? not at this age...maybe if i were older and three years didn't mean as much (but hello, that's totally a freshman. no way!!)
662. When you like someone, do you tell them right away? no
663. Do you wait for signs? yeah
664. Whats your favorite letter of the alphabet? A for Angela
665. Do you think that z is a cool letter? Yes. But I put a line through it.
667. So, do you have any final words? no
668. Say something great about the person who sent you this here: I don't know her
669. What time is it now? 11:13pm

And that's what losers do on Friday night.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Ooh! Take this. We'll find out how if you really are my friend. ;)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I think you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat people they think don't matter.
People in the service industry, for example.
If you treat your waiter/waitress/bartender/cleaning lady/store clerk/gas station attendant/what-have-you like they are a total idiot...well, I already have my opinion of you.
It seems lately in my experience I have noticed this a lot. People being very unkind to cashiers and waiters and such. As a store clerk, I get very offended by this. Excuse me, but just because I am a store clerk does NOT mean that I have the IQ of a grapefruit.
I challenge you to an IQ test any day. Punk.
Anyway, this is my rant today, since I witnessed a guy being a royal pain in the derriere to the cashier today at the grocery store.
Oh! That brings me to another point.
Just because we're young, that does NOT mean we're idiots. It makes me want to scream when I tell someone the answer to a question they've just asked, and they seem hesitant to believe me...but when someone 20, 30 years older than me tells them the same damn thing, they believe them.
Hello? Didn't I just say that? Oh, I did? And so did she? Well, then, that means I was right, now doesn't it?

Moral of today's story:
If you are not nice to the young people in the service industry, I will, without doubt, consider you an absolute ninny. I will scowl, I will shoot you a look, I will glare, and I might even snarl.
Because you, my friend, are a first-class nincompoop.

That's all.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Well, the radio show was actually relatively painless. The bishop was there (which I didn't plan on - I thought they said he would not be there!). He was very kind to me, and was excited to find that I go to Loras. He graduated from there 52 years ago. :) Anyway, the show went just peachy - the questions weren't too difficult, really. And I got the opportunity to talk about how awesome I think religious are - and how we need more of them - and how spending time with them is one of the coolest experiences a person could ever have.
Or something like that. :)

I also bought a new Jack Johnson CD. I am in love with his music. It's nothing new, really. I just rebelled against it for a while, since everyone liked it (I'm like that). It's so good, though!

And, my hair looks better. It's not quite where I'd like it to be, but it's better.
Any improvement is welcome.

That's all I've got for now. Just a quick update.

Over and out.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I cut my hair again tonight. I cut it last fall (I posted about it then, but I'm not in the mood to research and link it, so just believe me, or do your own research). It's about at my shoulders, and is curling nicely. That was the problem. The curls were dreadful. Hooray for letting my hair be itself again.

I saw a very interesting movie tonight. It was on the Oxygen channel (I know, I know, but just stay with me). It's on tomorrow night (Monday) at 7pm central, if anyone's interested. It was called "Banshee." There's really nothing moral about the movie, but it will make you think. The main character was actually a pretty sweet character - she's so fiesty. I love fiesty.

I have a new car.
Sort of.
My parents bought a new car, so I inherited theirs, since the JMJ-mobile is/was behaving quite poorly lately. I'm very excited for my new car. It's got a sunroof! And air conditioning! And doors that work!! Ah, it's very exciting!

Lyrics for the day are from Creed:
"Wash Away Those Years"

"Well I guess she closed her eyes
And just imagined everything's alright
But she could not hide her tears
'Cause they were sent to wash away those years
They were sent to wash away those years"

This song says what most cannot.

Well, I better sleep soon.
Radio show tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

David Hasselhoff time.

Because he's so washed-up that it's funny.

I laugh seeing him do this Rhinestone Cowboy number, because my dad sings this song. (don't ask)

And this one...well, I laughed out loud. A lot. It's probably the closest I'll ever come to knowing what tripping on acid is like. Weeeird stuff going on here.

And um, Secret Agent Man. I don't have any words for this one.

Hell, just watch them all.

And while you're at it, you might as well watch this one. It ties it all together. Somehow.

Oh my. This is amazing. It's kind of long, but you won't regret reading it. I promise.

And her name is Gianna. Which makes my heart smile. :)

The #1 worst fear amongst people these days?
public speaking

And guess what I'm doing Monday?
public speaking

I get knots in my stomach thinking about it. Argh. I have to be on live radio (it's AM). On the bishop's show. I won't be on with the bishop, though. He's not going to be there. Me and a really important guy will be doing the show. I have to talk about the vocation camp that I'm not going to go to this year (because of Wicked...ha).
This is going to be dreadful.
Anyway, for any of you in the area, I'll be ok 1440 WROK from 10:30-11am on Monday, June 26.
Listen in and laugh at me when I sound like a goon.
Good grief. I feel like Moses, without an Aaron.

Monday, June 19, 2006

I just booked my tickets to see Wicked with my mom!!! Hoo hoo!!

I cannot wait!!

Wednesday, July 12th at 2pm in Chicago! And we're in the Orchestra section!!
Also, you know what this means... L RIDE!! I love riding the L. It's like, the ultimate best part of Chicago. Okay, maybe not quite, but I do love it. It's dirty, it's creepy, it's amazing. :)

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Today the local Christian station was playing some pretty sweet music. And I heard a song by Matthew West that I absolutely love and haven't heard or thought of in a while. It was neat hearing it again, almost as if for the first time. Lyrics as follows:

"More" by Matthew West
Take a look at the mountain
Stretching a mile high
Take a look at the ocean
Far as your eye can see
And think of me

Take a look at the desert
Do you feel like a grain of sand?
I am with you wherever
Where you go is where I am
And I'm always thinking of you
Take a look around you
I'm spelling it out one by one

I love you more than the sun
And the stars that I taught how to shine
You are mine and you shine for me too
I love you
And today
And tomorrow
I'll say it again and again
I love you more

Just a face in the city
Just a tear on a crowded street
But you are one in a million
And you belong to me
And I want you to know
I'm not letting go
Even when you come undone


Shine for me
Shine for me
Shine on, shine on
Shine for me


Ah, I love that song! It's so perfect! It's a great song because you can totally relate to it no matter how you're feeling. It's a great happy song, it's a great sad song, it's just a great song.

And by the way, my mom and I are looking to buy tickets to see Wicked in Chicago (finally), and I'm getting excited! Woot! I love Chicago, and I've been wanting to see Wicked for a while.

"I'm through accepting limits/Cause someone says they're so/Some things I cannot change/But til I try I'll never know!" (from "Defying Gravity")

Hoo ha!

Oh, and this day wouldn't be complete without a bit of this:
"Tantum ergo Sacramentum
Veneremur cernui
Et antiquum documentum
Novo cedat ritui
Praestet fides supplementum
Sensuum defectui
Genitori genitoque
Laus et jubilatio
Salus, honor, virtus, quoque
Sit et benedictio
Procedenti ab utroque
Compar sit laudatio.

Happy Corpus Christi, y'all!

Okay, time for shenangians elsewhere.

Friday, June 16, 2006

If this doesn't make your eyes cross, I'm not sure what will.

I mean...I just don't understand their logic. Was death unforeseen in this instance?
And shouldn't society at large be shutting down all abortion *clinics* based on this logic?
It really leaves very little work for pro-lifers when the pro-aborts confound everyone, including themselves.

In other news, my roommate Melinda has beautiful eyes.

Okay so it's near midnight when I'm driving down my street, nearing my driveway. There's a police car in front of me, and the car coming toward me from the other direction is a black car with its lights off, going like 3 mph. The police car just kept driving, and I was completely creeped out! I sat in my car (once I pulled into my driveway, where this all basically took place) until this car was out of sight.
What a creeper!

I need to move to Mayberry.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Okay, so let's just start this off right:
Me: Hello, my name is Angela, and I have a music addiction.
Now you say: Hello, Angela.

So yesterday I had a rough day. The solution? Hit the music section at Target. Was it effective? Most definitely. I bought Jack Johnson's "In Between Dreams" and I am in love. I have listened to it over and over for I don't even know how long. It's so good! Ah! I love music!

But seriously, how can you not love music with lyrics like this:
"Love is the answer at least for most of the questions in my heart/Why are we here? And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?"

"We're shocking but we're nothing/We're just moments, we're clever but we're clueless/We're just human, amusing and confusing/We're helping, rebuilding and we're growing"

"When your mind is a mess so is mine I can't sleep/Because it hurts when I think when my thoughts aren't at peace/With the plans that we make and the chances we take/They're not yours they're not mine/There are waves that can break/All the words that we said and the words that we mean/Because the world is awake so for somebody's sake/Now please close your eyes/Woman, please get some sleep"

"It's really too bad/He became a prisoner of his own past/He stabbed the moment in the back with a round thumbtack/That held up the list of things he got to do/It's really no good/He's moving on before he understood/He shot the future in the foot with every step he took/From the places that he's been because he forgot to look/He better staple it together and call it bad weather" (I LOVE that imagery!)

"But you can't stop nothing if you got no control/Of the thoughts in your mind that you kept and you know/That you don't know nothing but you don't need to know"

And the inspiration for what I'm doing as I write this:
"Maybe we could sleep in/I'll make you banana pancakes/Pretend like it's the weekend now/And we could pretend it all the time"

We didn't have any bananas in my house, so I'm rewriting it so it's "Strawberry Pancakes." Haha. Same difference, really. (?) I am making strawberry pancakes, having slept in, and I'm totally pretending it's the weekend. I haven't even thought of getting out of my pajamas yet. It's 1:30pm. :) Ahhh I love days off. And Jack Johnson.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I have been thinking of Henry David Thoreau's words -
"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with the song still in them."
I want to make my life the polar opposite of them. It's not working so well, but hey, as long as I keep at it, that's got to mean something...right?

"Another fall, and what a fall! Must you give up hope? No. Humble yourself and, through Mary, your Mother, have recourse to the merciful Love of Jesus. A miserere, and lift up your heart! And now begin again."
-St. Josemaria Escriva (um, wow.)

"Stand" by Rascal Flatts
You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless, like you've lost your fight
But you'll be alright
You'll be alright

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend 'til you break
Cause it's all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands, shake it off
Then you stand, then you stand

Life's like a novel with the end ripped out
The edge of a canyon with only one way down
Take what you're given before it's gone
And start holdin' on, keep holdin' on

Repeat Chorus

Every time you get up and get back in the race
One more small piece of you starts to fall into place - yeah

I like that. It's a good song for me right now. It's amazing to me, how music, especially country music, nearly always has the right lyric for exactly what is on my heart. I don't know how the words of someone I've never met (and most likely never will) can be the words of my heart. So strange to me. And yet, so beautiful. It's the human experience in all its universality...

Oh humanity, and your frailty.

Friday, June 09, 2006

It's Friday. Weird, since it seems like it was just Monday. Time goes so fast, I swear.

The summer has been nice for the low-key side of me. For instance, last night I got off work, came home, had a nice dinner with the familia, then watched "Sense and Sensibility" (which I got from Netflix). It was grand, really. I want to live in a Jane Austen novel. I wish times were still like that. I understand that that eliminates indoor plumbing and a lot of rights for women (the whole inheritance thing was rough back then, thus the premise of "Sense and Sensibility"); however, I just think that if people treated each other like like they did back then in this day and age, things would be a lot better. We'd be happier...I'm sure of it.

Aaand the lyrics of today come from two of my absolute favorites: Jennifer Knapp and Keith Urban.
Jennifer first.
"Fall Down"
Judge me not ye saints
For my history may be tainted
But I'm sober enough to know blood when I see it
I've borne my share of stones
Most of them easily thrown
But who's to deny your water-shed side leading me home?

Ohhh what am I supposed to do about it now?
Past regrets and long laments, they find me somehow.
Oh what am I supposed to do about it now?
What have I to do but fall down?

To spy from far away
May seem that I'm one to betray
But O how I try
The Spirit to guide
The promise you made

Ohhh what am I supposed to do about it now?
Past regrets and long laments, they find me somehow
Oh what am I supposed to do about it now?
What have I to do but fall down?

Hold me up
Never let me go
Love me when I'm broken
And speak to me

Ahhhh good song. And next we have Keith:
"Nobody Drinks Alone"
You brought that bottle home in a paper sack
Drew the blinds and locked the doors
And there's nothing but empty there inside that glass
So you pour a little more
And there's no one there to judge you
At least that's what you tell yourself, but

Don't you know
Nobody drinks alone
Every demon, every ghost
From your past
And every memory you've held back
Follows you home
Nobody drinks alone

Wow. The power of lyrics.

Okay, that's it for now! I'm out to Barnes and Nobles to get my yuppie Starbucks coffee fix. And for a full explanation of yuppie, and all the types of yuppification, check out our good friend, Wikipedia.

Now what's there not to love? Oh stereotypes. :)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Tonight's music is provided by our friend Michael Buble.

"And I feel just like I'm living someone else's life
It's like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why you could not
Come along with me
That this is not your dream
But you always believed in me


And I'm surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
Oh, let me go home,
Oh, I miss you, you know."

Ahh, Michael. :)

So tonight I was just sitting around with my mom watching TV, and the phone rings. I'm informed that it's tiki torch night, and I need to be ready in 5 minutes. So I get myself ready, grab the margarita mix I got for my birthday, run outside to meet the girls, and we go off to get some tequila. Mmmm. In addition to the tequila we got some cigars. Then we ate some Italian sausage, sat outside on the patio, listened to Jack Johnson, drank margaritas, smoked cigars, and played "War" (don't ask). We finished "War," made some more margaritas, lit up another cigar (this time using the tiki torch to light them), and talked about life. We laughed, we pondered, we bonded. It was beautiful, really.
Thank God for the girls. :)

In the words of the great Rolling Stones:
"You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you might find
You get what you need."

Saturday, June 03, 2006

So begins our journey through Rusty and my trip to Nashville. There are a lot of pictures of Rusty since it was my camera, and I was the one taking pictures. The trip should give you a pretty good idea of what it's like to be me and to be random. I didn't take as many pictures as I should have, but I think it'll suffice.

To begin: this is me. And I'm getting into the limo that we were taking to the airport. My neighbor across the street owns it. That's my neighbor's house in the background. Not the limo-owning neighbor...just a random neighbor.
This is Rusty getting into the limo. He's holding "Tommy Boy." The plan was to watch the movie on the way to the airport, and laugh at all the funny traveling moments. There are plenty to laugh at. It's probably one of the funniest movies to quote .... ever.
So then we're driving down I-90 on the way to Chicago, and we slow down to get through the tollbooth, and the WHEEL FLIES OFF THE FORSAKEN LIMO! I mean, went shooting off! It soared. No joke. Then the axel was grinding on the ground, and sparks were flying, and we came to a screeching halt, and there was smoke, and colorful language...dear dear dear.
This is Rusty with the tire, after my dad retrieved it from the side of the road after a police officer pulled up, informed us the tire was about a block back, and drove away. Thank you for protecting and serving, Officer. Gosh.
Anyway, as my dad was walking down to get the tire, the punks driving along the highway were getting pretty dang close to the car. And I'm thinking "Okay, perfect. We're stuck in an awkward spot, and all we really need is for someone to smash into the back of us, and send us sailing into traffic or the highway divider wall." So I get out and stare at the cars going by so they don't get so close (they could totally help it...they were punks). And then this car gets all close to me, like they wanted to take me out, so I throw my hands up and start yelling, and Rusty is laughing, not sure what to do. I guess they don't fight like this in Nebraska. City girls are always ready to open a can. :)

Turns out the emergency highway people don't really like it when you are walking down the highway in the left lane, going the wrong direction. Hmm. So my dad got picked up on his way to go get the tire that the policeman told us about. And this is him getting out of the vehicle. You can kinda sorta see his head getting out of the passenger side.
The driver of this vehicle...we called him "Hank", even though I have no idea what his real name is...was the kind of person that definitely hates his life. He needed a good hug, a good cup of joe, some chocolate and a good Keith Urban song. I mean, come on man...lighten up. He yelled at me for getting out of the car to put my coat on. And he yelled at my dad for being in the way of traffic (um, hi, if we could move the car...WE WOULD!) Get a grip, sir.

So then, despite our best efforts, we missed our flight. We were very happy about that, as you can tell by the picture.

And we finally got on the airplane. There was much rejoicing.This is the view from my room. It was beautiful. Obviously.
And the chapel, which is breath-taking. I couldn't get enough of looking around at everything, in awe. It's beautiful.
And then we left St. Cecilia's. And we were walking down the street, and lo and behold, our friend Jack showed up. So we took a picture together. :)Continue on for more madness...

Rusty at the honky-tonk in Nashville. Those are our Grateful Dead drinks. I looked right at it and my voice got all quivery as I wondered aloud, "Where have you been all my life?" :)
This is me in front of the Grand Old Opry. I am obviously very excited to be there. Ha.
Rusty gazing lovingly at Tammy Wynette. Oh how dear she is to our hearts. ::Sighhhh::

Rusty being goofy looking at the Aquarium. That's the restaurant we went to for lunch. It was amazing. Nothing like Captain Morgan at noon. :)
And this concludes our trip! And what a trip it was.
Yes, a trip that will never be forgotten. Ever.

My loserness has been duly noted.

I'm sitting at home on Saturday night, having just visited the campground where my grandparents stay while they're in town (they're snowbirds), looking forward to watching a movie with my parents and retiring early tonight.
Wow. It's only been a few weeks since being at Loras.
Dear me.

The fun part of tonight was definitely when I got home from working for 8 hours, and my mom asked if I'd like to go out to eat (which is HUGE in my family...we don't go out...ever.). Then she said we were going to Dos Reales (okay, even when we do go out, we never go out for Mexican!). Then when we were there she said she was going to get a margarita (which never happens mom doesn't believe in paying what restaurants ask for drinks), and then I got to get one too! Holy cats! Nothing like a surprise, free margarita! Hoorah!

Today at work I was helping an old lady put a heavy box in her trunk, when I closed the trunk on my finger. It bled right away...I must have really got it in there good. It was like the falling-up-the-stairs incident from the other day, where it shocked me, then I realized I was in pain a bit later. Anyway, that's two work-related injuries in the first week I've been back.
I'm thinking I'm not looking like a huge asset to the company. ;) I'm more of a liability!
(we just won't mention the time I broke the $800 crucifix...) Oops!

And the theme song of the week: Sugarland's "Baby Girl". Rusty and I hear this song nearly every time we're together, and we heard it at the honky-tonk on Music Row (when we were drinking our amazing Grateful Dead's). I just love these lyrics.

"Dear Mom and Dad,
Please send money, I'm so broke that it ain't funny
Well I don't need much, just enough to get me through
Please don't worry 'cause I'm alright
I'm playing here at the bar tonight
Well, this time I'm gonna make our dreams come true
Well I love you more than anything in the world,
Your Baby Girl"

And then there's the lyric that goes: "Remember me in ribbons and curls" - and um, hello...that's totally me. I still wear ribbons in my hair. Not as often, but I do. :)

And another set of lyrics from our studly Australian cowboy:
"Cause days go by
I can feel 'em flying like a hand out the window in the wind
And cars go by
Yeah it's all we've been given
So you better start livin' right now
Cause days go by


So take 'em by the hand
They're yours and mine
Take 'em by the hand
And live your life.
Take 'em by the hand
Don't let 'em all fly by.

I heart Keith Urban. :)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Oh man. I'm the biggest loser, ever. Today at work, I was redoing the bookshelves, and decided I needed one of those slot things that holds pamphlets/thin books without spines really well, so I went off in search of one. I couldn't find any, despite my best efforts, and was getting kind of frustrated. So I asked someone if they knew where to find one, and she found 7 of them! Hoorah! I was so excited that I tried to run up the concrete and metal stairs.
Yeah, that was a good idea.
I totally bit it...hard. Right there on the stairs. Slam. It was terribly embarrassing. So I got up as fast as I could, and ran away.
Then I realized "Hey, wait, your arms are really stinging!"
So I looked at them.
Yep, my right arm had some pretty awesome scrapes on it, and was starting to bleed. My left arm looked better, with just a minor scrape.
Then my co-worker asked me for help with a transaction.
So I'm standing there with her, with my scraped arms stinging, trying to figure out a situation at the register. That wasn't happening.
Then I realized "Hey, wait, your thumb hurts too!"
Yeah, it had a huge slice in it, and was bleeding, too.
I think I might have something wrong with my pain it supposed to take that long to realize you're in pain?
Anyway...I went to the back office to get some stuff to doctor myself up with. But I couldn't find any. So I asked another co-worker if he could help me.
He laughed at me.
Then he helped me.
Then I went to find Tanya, who was the one who helped me find the shelving things in the first place. She laughed at me, too. She was like "Angela! I heard you fall, and I yelled to find out if you were okay!! Why did you not respond?!"
And I laughed, and said, "Um, well, I was embarrassed, so I ran away"
It was quite a laugh fest, as she bandaged me up.
Now, 7 band-aids and a lot of ointment later, I'm feeling better.
I look like a 6 year old who fell off her bike, but hey, I'm cool with that.

Oy vey. I'm the least graceful person I know.

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