Monday, May 30, 2005

More crazy times in Rockyford, Illinois. As stated by Lindsey tonight: "I could have used this for my class on deviant behavior!". Exactly, Lindsey. We might as well be the case study for a class on deviant behavior. We're nuts!

So we went to Volcano Falls for a little mini-putt action. We split into groups to make it work a little easier; my group consisted of me, Katie, Mindy and Lindsey. We were pretty awesome. We hit every water trap, knocked the ball out of the course a few times, and even had a runaway ball in the river. (Don't worry, we rescued it successfully) It was great. We laughed a lot. Then we decided to go to IHOP for a little late night snack. When that didn't work out we headed over to Denny's. All 16 of us. :) Denny's ended up being loads of fun, but the best part goes a little something like this:

When Petey left, Marianne popped her trunk using the remote control on her keychain. It sat open for a while until Dominick got the brilliant idea to make the most of the situation. Mike ran out to the car and jumped in the trunk and closed it on himself. Then he waited. And waited. Until someone came along. There were two couples who were walking into Denny's about the same time. When they were just outside of Marianne's car, she hit the button and the trunk sprung open. Mike jumped out, looked around in a bewildered manner, and took off running. It was priceless. The people had a "What the hell!?" look on their faces, and we laughed sooooo hard. Oh my gosh, it was hilarious. It was really quite brilliant. Yay for silliness.

As for me, today I was uber-productive. I ironed, cooked a chocolate chip pizza dessert, painted the eagle that is above our front door, wrapped presents, and planted flowers. It was a great day. I got so much done, and all of it was fun! know you're crazy when working is defined as fun.

Oh! I almost forgot. MASS this morning! It was craziness. It was the most schizophrenic Mass ever. The priest started off by being really orthodox and talking about how people need to dress properly and gave a little catechesis about why Mass is important and how we need to be reverent and respectful in the church, etc. It was good. Then we sang some OCP song (no comment), and my mom leans over to me and whispers (who are those women?) pointing to the women in albs standing just off of the sanctuary. I stop and think and guess "perhaps lectors? or...??". It was disconcerting seeing them so close to the altar looking quite like priests...I did not like it one bit. Too close to wrong. Turns out they were Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, but still - bizarro. And then there were a few logistical things wrong with the Mass (I turned to my dad at one point and said "I really ought to buy Monsignor a copy of the new GIRM..." and he just rolled his eyes). Anyway, the best part is the after-Communion song. Normally it should be relatively meditative. On the feast of Corpus Christi it should be related to the Eucharist, as it would only make sense. However, it started off with this awful 80's techno beat that reminded me of the music in the background of instructional videos. It was coming out of the keyboard. Sign #1 that this is not heading in the right direction. Then the choir starts *singing* some song which was basically about our call to the corporal works of mercy. Good enough, right? No! It was horrible. The lyrics were terrible and the chorus was a very Baptist-sounding "Loooord, heeear ouuur prayerrrr". As soon as it started up I put my head in my hands. I wanted to weep. Then I started laughing. I couldn't help it. I had to keep my head buried in my hands and bite my lip to prevent laughing out loud. It was dreadful. Then I noticed that as the song progressed (using the term very loosely, as it was making no progress whatsoever), my eyes started to cross. Yes, the song was that bad. It was terrible. When it was over I wanted to shout "Praise Jesus!" and raise my hands in the air - it only seemed the right thing after a yay-hoo song like that. Jiminy. The you-know-whos are taking over the Church. Bring on the BXVI. :)

Well, I really need to get to bed - big birthday party at the forest preserve for my aunt tomorrow.

Pax et veritas et caritas.

I heart trunks.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Louisville, Kentucky?
Plane tickets, only $49. Hurrah.

So I'm sitting in Mary's Market "Yuppie fashion is in!", sipping a Cafe 89 and thinking about all the people around me. It's kind of fun, I think. I would probably look more normal if I had a friend with me, but they all were doing other things. Whatever.

So yesterday was great! While getting ready I decided to have a picnic. I asked Elizabeth and Mindy and they asked the rest of the girls at Mass. So, six of us packed up our picnic baskets (ok, I was the only one with a picnic basket) and went down to Shorewood Park (which is NOT Sherwood Park. Turns out Robin Hood doesn't really live there...), which is right along the river. We decided to put our blankets down on the dock which juts out into the river and have our picnic out there. It was sooo great! The water around us on three sides, the sun above us, the ducks nearby, and when a boat drove by the dock moved, which was a tremendous sensation. We sat out there eating watermelon and chocolate chip cookies and sandwiches of every kind (from McDonald's cheeseburgers to peanut butter and jelly). It was quality. And of course, we had to bring a knife to cut the watermelon. That conversation went a little something like this:
Me: Aren't you going to need a knife to cut that?
Elizabeth: No, we'll just throw it against a rock or something.
Me: What? No. Here's a knife. Which size?
Elizabeth: Aw, come on. That's not as rustic.
Me: Which size?? The bigger one?
Elizabeth: Yeah, I guess so.
Me: ::takes the knife out of the drawer and attempts to set it in the basket::
Elizabeth: At least wrap it in a towel...
Me: ::wrapping it in a towel:: Now it looks like a murder weapon!
Elizabeth: Haha, oh man, this is probably illegal. Haha!

So we brought the knife to the park, and it worked out just fine...even when the cop drove by to check on us. Then when we were leaving I almost left it on the dock, and Alyssa calls out "You forgot the murder weapon!". Oy vey. ;)

Later, we went to the swamp area to play with the wonderful yuckiness. Or actually, to look for frogs. I was the only one who shoved a stick into the wonderful yuckiness to see how deep it was. We guesstimated about a foot deep. Not bad. Turns out that that area is like a mating ground for the ducks. All the ducks were paired up in random parts of the swamp. We were a little weirded out, so we left. Then I went over to the river to wash the wonderful yuckiness off of my arm, and the rock I jumped onto moved. So I decided to dance on it. The rock made this horrible "clump, bump, clump" noise and I was having a wonderful time until someone says "You know, that's probably like, a duck mating call"...and just as I jump off the rocks, the two geese in the middle of the river start squawking and take to flight - right at me!! I started running away and everyone was just laughing at how ridiculous I am. Good thing the guy who drives around in the "Geese Peace" car didn't see me.

So now Alyssa is writing a musical about life. The picnic has two songs in the musical. One is about the cop driving by while we had a huge knife, and the other is about Geese Peace and mating calls. Oy vey.

Well, I have to go to work...I love books.

Until next time!

Pax et veritas et Geese Peace.

I heart wonderful yuckiness.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Creepy moment of the day:
I am walking along in the grocery store, "technically" on the cell phone, but not really because it was only ringing and my friend hadn't answered yet...ok, just before I start, you must realize that the aisles are wider than the average grocery store. Wide enough for two carts and a person to line up side by side. They are big. To continue with the story...I'm walking along, and I feel this presence behind me...that creepy "someone's following you" feeling. So I turn around, and there's this middle-aged man standing there who gets mad and says "You don't even care, do you?" and like cuts around me (if we were driving cars, he would have totally cut me off), and then continues to walk away whilst glaring at me. End of creepy moment, beginning of anger arising in me. I walk thinking "What the hell? Is this guy for real??". So I decided to go looking for him. But I didn't find him. Instead I found an old man. Which brings us to...

Random (this would only happen to me) moment of the day:
So I'm walking along and there's this old guy and his granddaughter who is probably about 2 or 3 are next to me, and the little girl smiles at me, so the grandpa looks at me and says, "Wanna race?". Who's going to turn that down? So I raced this old man and his granddaughter down the aisle. True story. I really did. ;)

So I talked to my good friend Brother Anthony tonight and he was telling me of his experience in Nashville. He said that he was very inspired, and loved their routine. He felt it was very balanced and was impressed with their prayer and joy. He said that they were the perfect example of what Dominican life should be: joy, prayer, study, etc. He was so very excited to have met them, and I'm very happy that he had that experience. :) Yay.

Well, night draws neigh...come, glorious slumber!

Pax et veritas.

I heart shopping cart races.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

And so I finally took down the teenage angst posters and quotes from the walls in the room. I put all the pictures I had up on my wall at school onto a wall which I have coined as the "Domini-wall". You figure out why. :)

I am enjoying working at the bookstore entirely too much. What is wrong with me? Summer should be relaxing, and yet I enjoy work. So it is true after all. I am crazy. ;) In all honesty, I'm easily bored and can always find something to reorganize or straighten at work. And somehow it's more fun than reorganizing or straightening my bedroom...

So not much new happening, other than missing my friends from school. Ho hum for life at home.

I am going to go read Chesterton. I enjoy him entirely too much!

Pax et veritas.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Another thing all the cool kids are doing:

Total Number of Books I've Owned:
Wow. Tough one. I'm trying to think, and I have books in nearly ever corner of both of my rooms here at home, plus some that I haven't counted from school, so I'm going to guesstimate about 400. That might sound weak, and it is...but I have no money for books, and I often check them out at the library. So that number is not really representative of how many I've read...

Last Book I Bought:
Gosh, I don't know. I think it was when I bought "Harry Potter and Philosophy" and "Lord of the Rings and Philosophy" although I'm not completely sure about that. I'm back working at the bookstore...and there are definitely some books I'm longing for....

Last Book I Read:
Another tough one. I have a tendency to start books and never finish them, not to mention that I am always reading about 4 or 5 books. Sister actually asked me, "So, which books are you reading?" instead of "Which book are you reading?" knowing all too well my tendency to be working on more than one at all times. I'm not sure which book I actually finished. I've recently finished "Young and Catholic", "Return of the Prodigal Son" and "Did Adam and Eve Have Bellybuttons?" (second reading of that one). And I'm working on "Harry Potter and Philosophy" currently...

5 Books That Mean A Lot To Me:
1. Story of a Soul by St. Therese of Lisieux. It was, is and will always be my favorite book of the religious variety. I enjoy it so much. It was the book that first introduced me to Therese and now I enjoy her A LOT. When I first went away to school people knew me as "the girl who likes Therese" before they knew my name. And I had like 8 pictures of her around my dorm room. Hooray for St. Therese.

2. Baltimore Catechism. I'm probably a huge dork, but I reference it all the time. I think it is fabulous. And who can beat those cartoons?

3. The Great Gatsby. I have no idea why. I think I've read it 3 or 4 times. I find it terribly entertaining, and I even enjoy the movie. Perhaps I really am crazy, but I think it's fun. I love Daisy's lines especially. From "hulking, hulking, hulking" to "I've never seen such beautiful shirts", she is really a tremendous character. Give it up for good ol' F. Scott.

4. My entire collection of books about St. Therese. Maybe I'm copping out on that one, but I can't decide which one I like most. I think that the book, Celine, which is about her sister, is terribly interesting when learning about Therese because she is viewed from a different perspective. I actually appreciated her more...if that's possible!

5. Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton. I think all books should make me smile.

So there's my list. It's very incomplete because I cannot think right now...and I'm sure that upon looking back that this at some point I will wonder what the heck I was thinking by not including some book that has been terribly influential and has completely escaped my mind for now. :)

Off to bed-

Pax et veritas!

I heart yaffing.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

To begin with:

Yo soy libre!!

Finals are over. Deo gratias.

Now to get to the "5 Things that Everyone Else Likes that I do too" variation of yesterday's post.

1. Napoleon Dynamite. Everyone loves the movie. I was quite possibly the only person on Earth who hadn't seen it a few months back (slight exaggeration), but I finally caved and watched it. All of the criticisms are true. There is no plot. It's stupid. It's kitsch-y. It's strange. And it's really not that funny.'s HILARIOUS, especially for quoting purposes. I mean, I made "Kip-style" nachos the other day. You can't deny the humor in that. And building a cake? Or catching a delicious bass? Or the Glamour Shots?? It's funny, fess up. You know it is.

2. Cell phones. I love my cell phone. I'm rarely on it, because I don't believe in paying the charges for going over my minutes limit. And the fact that no one calls me. But I love my cell phone. I think it is a wonderful invention - I can talk on my cell phone with anyone in the world. And long distance doesn't apply, so I can call Nashville whenever I'd like. It's beautiful. :) My only problem with cell phones is the people who don't have the courtesy to turn off their ringers/avoid calls that are disrupting to dinners, events, or MASS. But that's human stupidity, not the cell phone's fault.

3. Perkin's. Where else can you go at any hour of the day/night/morning to get some bottomless coffee and ponder the great mysteries of life? I love banter and conversation and ridiculousness and all the good things that come with friendly gatherings in the middle of the night. We've acted out the proper way to use a thurible, discussed ecumenism, got into an argument about the recent GIRM, and been generally silly with every opportunity. I love Perkin's.

4. Quoting movies. I know it's ridiculous and annoying if you've never seen the movie which everyone is mad about quoting, but I don't care. I think it's fun. Especially if we're talking about Ice Age. That movie has hilarious quotes in it. And how about Finding Nemo? Or Elf? I think it's the kids/family movies that have the best lines. And I love to quote them.

5. Harry Potter/LOTR. I attempted to defy both of them when they were in their "popular" stage, but eventually gave in. And I love them!! I have loved Harry Potter for a longer time, and even went as far as using wall stickers to decorate my bathroom. Yes, I'm a loser. And I definitely tried to not see LOTR for the longest time, but it got to the point where Sister was talking about scenes from LOTR in her talks, and my Bible Study alluded to some scenes, and I was like "fine, I'll watch it, but I won't like it." Good job, Angela. You really held to that one. ;) I love it!

So that'sa my list. Pretty good, eh Steve?

Well, it's time to watch the Best of Will Ferrell and eat pizza. Making the most of the last days of sophomore year.


Pax et veritas et bonum.

I heart fat hair.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

So all the cool kids are doing this:

List five things that people in your circle of friends or peer group are wild about, but you can't really understand the fuss over. To use the words of Caesar (from History of the World Part I), 'Nice. Nice. Not thrilling . . . but nice.'"

1. Addiction to Facebook. I'll admit. I'm on Facebook. It's served me well. I've reconnected with long-lost friends, and I find entertainment value in it as well. But I am not addicted. I don't understand the addiction. And I don't want to. You people need a life, and the virtue of temperance. Find something constructive to do with your time. Step away from your Facebook.

2. Along with nearly everyone: summer. Who cares? Ok granted 70 degree weather is better than scraping frost off your windows in the morning, and bare feet are better than frozen toes, and drinking lemonade on the porch is fun (albeit not better than hot chocolate next to the fireplace), I could most definitely do without the skimpy outfits and all that goes with that. No one wants to see your cleavage or stomach, and we definitely do not want to see what you're *barely* hiding with that 1 1/4 inch long skirt. (I exaggerate, but barely). I don't even want to see your thighs or shoulders. Cover up. And stop prancing! The boys are not looking at you for you, honey. Respect yourself. The only nice thing about summer is the lack of schoolwork. I can read for pleasure once again. And yet, give me a few days and I will long for classes again. I have an insatiable desire to learn.

3. Drinking in excess. Never will my mouth utter the words "let's get drunk tonight!". No, no, no. I do not get the point of it. How about I drink more in an hour than I should in a week so I can do something I'll regret which could possibly have serious repercussions. Yay! Argh...I just don't get it. I understand the novelty and pleasure that goes with drinking in moderation. My experience in Europe taught me that. However, on this beautiful campus, we have people getting trashed and throwing microwaves out the window. Explain that one to me.

4. Jim Carrey. People think that he is hilarious. I cannot stand him. Watching him is painful. He forces his comedy, then takes it too far. As if it was entertaining to begin with! I watch him doing the most ridiculously disgusting, asinine and stupid things and as my stomach turns I think "Why is this funny?". I appreciate humor. Genuine humor. Not the kind that is nauseating. And how is it that he manages to work very base humor into children's movies? The Grinch ringing a bell? That movie was just wrong. I was offended for Dr. Seuss. Enough is enough.

5. Teeny-bopper sitcom/soap operas of "The OC"-variety. What is the big deal? They are ridiculous. The storyline is phony, the actors are phonier and your life will never be like that. If it is, you've reached a new level on the "wow, your life really is dreadful" scale. The shows are just these twentysomethings running around, engaging in immoral actions and then suffering the repercussions of those actions on television. Why are we entertained? I find them offensive and will not watch them - talk about culture of death.

So there's my list. I could probably add other things, but those were what I came up with now. I might do an alternative list of the things that my peers are crazy about which I also subscribe to, just for fun. But that's for a later date.

Off to Mass -

Pax et veritas, homies.

I heart Domini-thuggin'. What what, yo.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Would you want me when I'm not myself?
Wait it out while I am someone else?
And I, in time, will come around.
I always do. For you.
...Suppose I say you're my saving grace.
-John Mayer

I guess with the year ending I'm realizing how much my life is impacted by the people with whom I spend my days. My best friends here at Loras. They are the people who want me when I'm not myself, the people who I can be me with, no matter who "me" is that day. And they are my saving graces when necessary. They challenge me to be a better person and give me the drive to be who God calls me to be. It's going to be weird not having some of them around this summer, and even weirder coming back next fall and having some of them gone for good. :( As Billy Joel would say, "and so it goes...", but I kind of would rather have it last a little while longer. It's going all too fast...

Elizabeth comes up on Thursday. I am elated. Cannot wait. Hurrah!!

Off to FOCUS Women's prayer night. Then Perkin's. For more late night banter over coffee.
Un cancion por el cafe:
Cafe, cafe, te quiero todo el dia,
Yo quiero que aumentar el cafe con crema,
Y con azucar para gustar mejor.
Cafe, cafe, bebida mas guapo,
Yo pensar mas profundo cuando yo bebo el cafe.
Yo estoy feliz, mas feliz, con el cafe.
Cafe, mi corazon esta llena de amor.
Te amo, cafe.

And the Babel Fish translation:
A song by coffee, coffee, I want all the day to you, I want that to add coffee with cream and sugar to please coffee, coffee better, drunk but handsome, I to think but deep when I drink coffee. I am happy, but happy, with coffee, my heart this flood of love. I love to you, coffee.

Yeah um....ideas on that one? Especially the drunk but handsome part? I am SURE I did not write that. It's a jest, I declare. Oh Babel Fish, you really got me this time. :)

Perhaps it is foreboding about my Spanish final tomorrow? Ay ay ay!

Pax et veritas, yo!

I heart Babel Fish.

Monday, May 09, 2005

First day of finals down.
Technically I didn't have any finals. Just a take-home test with really ambiguous answers and questions, so chances are I either passed with flying colors or failed like the loser I am. I jest. I'm sure it was fine - but you really never can tell...

So me being the late-night banter over coffee lover that I am, we just had a little liturgical norms session at the local Perkin's, discussing everything from the placement of the altar and tabernacle to the material with which the vessels should be made, etc. It was quite engaging. I had to step down to avoid stepping on toes; however, I will make it known here and now that I was correct. Look it up on Catholic Answers, friends. It's in the GIRM. Yay for me. Anyway, I do love late-night coffee consumption in excess, pondering the great mysteries...or talking about whether it's more proper to stand or kneel. One or the other. ;)

Random funny thing of the day:
Rusty trying to say "successfully" and having a MAJOR Freudian slip. Har har.

Well, I cannot tarry any longer, as I have an 8am Technology presentation that requires my full, conscious and active participation. ;) (didja catch the allusion?)

Pax et veritas, amigos.

I heart Catholic Answers forums.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

I have successfully finished my last week of classes.

My last Language Acquisition class was so dreadful I played Frogger and looked up plane tickets online. Oy vey.

Friday night we had Mass in the grotto. It was so great. I love the grotto. I helped plant flowers in the grotto the next morning. Hurrah for flowers.

Yesterday we had a cookout for the end of the year, sponsored by FOCUS for their bible study folks. It was so much fun. Sports, prancing in the creek, food...good good times. :)

Today, however, I went into Rockford to surprise my mom on Mother's Day. She didn't know I was coming and was really excited. We planted flowers. Hurrah again.

elizabeth is back!
She's back!! YAY! I saw her today and it was GREAT! She is coming to visit on Thursday. I have missed her so.

We think we might go to Nashville this summer. How amazing would that be? :)

I have to start getting ready for the last Sunday Mass of the school year. Sad...

I'll post funny things later.

Pax et veritas et bonum.

I heart surprises.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

"You dismounted into my lungs!"
"Yeah well you jumped out from behind the dumpster and stopped my heart!"

"I'm going to write a story about the Blessed Mother. A devotional for college students. It'll be called "Your Mom"."

"What's your horse's name?
"No, not Phil. It's horse."
"You know, like that song. About the horse with no name."
::cue America music::
"Well, it could be like that joke. You know, like, a man goes into town on Tuesday and stays two days and leaves on Tuesday, how is this possible? It's because his horse's name is Tuesday."
"What about Friday?"
"Or Monday. Then Monday isn't so bad."
::cue further "riding" on "horses" Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail-style::

And now we're watching Monty Python. It only makes sense. :)

But really, it's been a hilarious week. Things are just so ridiculous because people are tense and busy and stressed and wanting to have fun but realizing the commitments they've made, and's been madness.
But I love it.

And for a final quote:
"The apostles were all sitting around, roasting marshmallows over the fire...except, they didn't have marshmallows. I guess they would be roasting the Jewish equivalent of a marshmallow." ::cue confused look, followed by laughing::
"Did he just say the Jewish equivalent of marshmallows?"

And that's from tonight's homily.
Loras, I love you.

Pax et veritas, y'all.

I heart Johnny Cash nursery rhymes.

Loras, the pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Plane tickets to Nashville are running about $72 round trip right now.
I think I will have to be sure to make a visit. That is, once I find out when they would like me to visit.

So today was reeediculous. Stress and cold weather in May make people turn into 7 year olds, I think. In my Ed Psych class today we had "teams" which quickly turned into "gangs". We were flashing "gang signals" (at least what we could pretend we knew, being dorky kids in Iowa) in class and laughing really hard. Yes, we are 20 year old future educators of America. Pretty outstanding, yes?

It is SO cold! I had to thaw out before I got out of bed again this morning, and the chapel was freeeeezing during Mass. I blame global colding, the unknown but everpresent scientific phenomenon. Dun dun dun.

my best friend comes back from Austria on Friday!!!

and she is coming to visit me!! :) HURRRAH!

I am ecstatic - it has been far too long since I have seen her last, and I cannot wait until she and I can hang out and be random and goofy and laugh ourselves silly again. Bring on the road trips and midnight chapel visits and further lunacies. Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my best friend to me, to me! :)

Well, I have some homework to complete - there is no rest for the wicked. We are currently watching "IT" (because my roommate said "no" to "Little Women").

Thank God for cawwwfeeee.

Pax et veritas.

I heart playing Chubby Bunny with my roommate and BunnyMallows.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Alas, I have finished the intolerable portfolio assignment which is due tomorrow. I swore it would never end. And here I am, finished before midnight. Deo gratias.

Today we received word of the very generous donors who will be gifting Loras College with a great deal of money. God reward those who have been greatly blessed and are good and kind enough to share it where it will be used well. And now for the Catholic Identity Campaign...bring it on, baby! Full steam ahead!

And so it is the last week of classes. I had to defend my philosophy paper along with my two group members today. Turned out to be easier than anticipated. Hurrah.
Yesterday I went to the Philosophy Club dinner. That was a riot. I enjoy philosophy types entirely too much. If I didn't have such a passion for teaching young children, I would devote much more time to philosophy. Alas, at a later date. ;)

I cannot post much tonight, because I really ought to get to bed. It takes me a long time to get out of bed in the morning on account of this Mayvember weather we're having (why the heck am I wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt and drinking hot chocolate to keep warm in MAY!?). I had to thaw for a half an hour before showering this morning. Heh.
Bring on the spring!

And in more exciting news, I got the bandages removed from my arm today, which means that we're looking tremendous. It's kind of tender and whatnot yet, but healed enough to expose it to the air and allow further healing to take place. The fourteen stitches aren't even noticeable - just the seam where the skin healed. Yay!

Pax et veritas.

I heart Thomas Aquinas for hooking me up. Heck yes for patron saints!!

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